Divorce Court Season 20 Episode 10
Divorce Court
Season 20

Ep 10. Shelton vs. Marton

  • TV14
  • September 17, 2018
  • 1140 min

Shelton vs. Marton is the twentieth season's tenth episode of the Divorce Court series. Featured in this episode are two spouses, each seeking to end their marriage and move on with their lives.

The episode begins with the couple, Shelton and Marton, sitting with the judge. As they present their arguments, it quickly becomes clear that the marriage is crumbling under the weight of distrust and infidelity. Marton accuses Shelton of cheating on her with multiple women, while Shelton claims that Marton has been unfaithful to him as well. As the judge hears their stories, she begins to uncover the deeper issues that have led to the breakdown of the marriage.

At the heart of the conflict is a lack of communication and honesty between the two spouses. Shelton feels that Marton is always accusing him of being unfaithful, which makes him feel like he's not trusted. This leads him to become secretive and withdraw from the relationship. Marton, on the other hand, feels like Shelton is always lying to her and hiding things. She acknowledges that she has cheated in the past, but she claims that it was because she didn't feel like she was getting the love and attention she needed from Shelton.

As the judge delves deeper into their relationship, she uncovers some deeply ingrained patterns that are contributing to the problems. For example, Shelton grew up in a family where cheating was not uncommon, and he struggled with this behavior himself. Similarly, Marton had a history of cheating before she met Shelton, and she found it hard to break this pattern.

Despite the challenges, the judge is determined to help the couple. She encourages them to be open and honest with each other, and to communicate their feelings in a more constructive way. She also provides them with some practical tips on how to rebuild trust and work through their issues. Throughout the episode, the judge serves as a compassionate and supportive guide, helping the couple to navigate the difficult terrain of divorce court.

In the end, the outcome of the case is not revealed, but it is clear that both Shelton and Marton have a long road ahead of them if they want to salvage their marriage. It's a poignant reminder of the challenges that many couples face, and the importance of seeking help when you need it. Overall, Shelton vs. Marton is a powerful and thoughtful episode that offers a window into the complexities of modern relationships.

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  • First Aired
    September 17, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1140 min
  • Language