Disney Junior Ready for Preschool Season 2 Episode 5

Ep 5. What's a Pattern?

  • TVY
  • October 3, 2020

Disney Junior's Ready for Preschool Season 2 Episode 5, "What's a Pattern?" is an educational and interactive program that teaches preschoolers important skills that will prepare them for kindergarten. This episode is all about patterns and how they can be found in everyday life.

The show starts with the beloved characters, teacher Nancy and her class of preschoolers, gathering in their colorful classroom. Nancy introduces the theme of the day, patterns, and explains how they can be found all around us. She invites the children to look around the classroom and spot some examples of patterns.

The young learners enthusiastically start looking around and soon notice the swirly patterns on their carpets, the zigzag lines on the curtains, and the repeating colors on their classmate's shirt. Nancy praises them for their sharp eyes and encourages them to keep looking for patterns.

Next, Nancy asks the class to join her in a fun pattern-making activity. She takes out a box of colorful blocks and arranges them in a sequence of blue, green, red, blue, green, red. The kids eagerly observe the simple pattern and Nancy invites them to build their own patterns using the blocks.

The children happily select their favorite blocks and start arranging them in different patterns. Some of them choose patterns of different shapes, while others make patterns of different colors. Nancy applauds their imaginative patterns and encourages them to keep creating.

In the next segment of the show, Nancy and her class go on a field trip to a nearby park. Nancy explains how patterns can be found in nature too, like the repeating shapes of leaves on a branch or the symmetrical patterns of butterfly wings.

The children excitedly explore the park and soon discover various patterns in the environment. They see the cracks on the sidewalk forming a pattern of squares, the wildflowers forming a pattern of spots, and the clouds forming a pattern of lines. Nancy praises their curious minds and encourages them to keep looking for patterns wherever they go.

In the final part of the episode, Nancy and her class play a fun musical game that helps them recognize patterns in sound. Nancy plays a simple tune on her keyboard and asks the children to copy it, creating a pattern of sounds.

The children clap and hum along to the tune, trying to memorize the pattern of notes. Nancy then asks them to add their own sound to the pattern, creating a collaborative piece of music. The kids joyfully experiment with different sounds, creating unique patterns of rhythm.

The episode ends with Nancy summarizing the various patterns they have discovered and created in the show, from shapes and colors to sounds and nature. She reminds the children how patterns are all around us, and encourages them to keep exploring and learning new things.

Overall, Disney Junior's Ready for Preschool Season 2 Episode 5, "What's a Pattern?" is an engaging and informative show that teaches children valuable skills in a fun and interactive way. It encourages them to be curious, creative, and observant, and prepares them for the exciting challenges of kindergarten.

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  • First Aired
    October 3, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language