Disney as Told by Emoji Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Frozen as Told by Emoji

  • November 13, 2015

Disney as Told by Emoji is an animated series that re-tells popular Disney movies using emojis. In season 1 episode 1, we see the story of Frozen as Told by Emoji.

The episode begins with two sisters, Elsa and Anna, playing together in the snow. Elsa shows off her magical ability to create ice and snow, but in her excitement, she accidentally hurts Anna. Their parents rush to find help and are advised to erase Anna's memory of Elsa's ability to keep her safe.

Years pass, and Elsa becomes the queen of Arendelle. She tries her best to hide her powers, but a mishap at her coronation reveals them to the public. Fearful of her power, Elsa runs away and creates a new palace made of ice on a remote mountain.

Meanwhile, Anna sets out to find her sister and bring her back to Arendelle. Along the way, she meets a snowman named Olaf and a iceman named Kristoff. Together, they face dangerous obstacles, including treacherous weather and an army of snow monsters.

Through these challenges, Anna learns the truth about Elsa's powers and their family's past. With the help of her friends, she races back to Arendelle to stop an eternal winter caused by Elsa's distress.

In the end, the sisters are reunited and the kingdom is saved. Elsa learns to control her powers and Anna finds true love. The episode closes with all the beloved characters living happily ever after in Arendelle.

Disney as Told by Emoji is a fun and creative way to revisit a classic Disney story. The use of emojis is clever and engaging, adding a playful twist to familiar characters and scenes. If you're a fan of Disney movies or just looking for a fresh and entertaining way to revisit your childhood favorites, be sure to check out this episode of Disney as Told by Emoji.

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  • First Aired
    November 13, 2015
  • Language