Dish Nation Season 5 Episode 213
Dish Nation
Season 5

Ep 213. Mariah Packs It on When Talking About Ex James Packer and Halle Berry Says WHAT Was Meaningless?

  • June 28, 2017

Dish Nation season 5 episode 213 has some juicy celebrity gossip to discuss! The episode starts off with the hosts diving into the latest on Mariah Carey and her ex-fiancé James Packer. Apparently, Carey is not holding back when it comes to discussing her relationship with Packer and has some choice words about their time together. The hosts dish on what Carey has been saying, which includes accusations of Packer being verbally abusive and controlling, and how it's playing out in the media.

Next up, the hosts move on to Halle Berry and her recent comments about a movie she starred in back in 2004, Catwoman. Berry has been vocal about not being proud of the film and has even referred to it as a "turkey." However, during a recent appearance on Watch What Happens Live, Berry stated that it was still her "biggest payday." The Dish Nation hosts debate whether Berry's comment was a dig at the film's quality or if she was simply acknowledging the financial success it brought her.

The show then turns to talk about the Netflix series Bridgerton and how its recent success has led to a massive spike in sales for corsets. The hosts have some fun with the topic and even bring out some corsets to try on.

Later in the episode, the hosts discuss the recent news that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have welcomed their first child together. The hosts have some fun predicting what the couple may name their newborn and even take a shot at guessing the baby's weight.

The episode wraps up with a segment where the hosts share their thoughts on celebrity fashion choices. They discuss outfits worn by stars like Jennifer Lopez and Gwen Stefani and give their opinions on whether they are hits or misses.

Overall, Dish Nation season 5 episode 213 delivers plenty of celebrity gossip and lighthearted fun. With discussions on Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, Katy Perry, and more, there's something for every pop culture fan.

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  • First Aired
    June 28, 2017
  • Language