Dish Nation Season 5 Episode 209
Dish Nation
Season 5

Ep 209. Tom Cruise Starred in Risky Business so Obviously He Takes Some Risks in Real Life and Kate Beckinsale Picks up a Much Younger Boo!

  • June 22, 2017

In season 5 episode 209 of Dish Nation, the hosts discuss some recent Hollywood gossip. Tom Cruise is the focus of their attention, as they talk about how he is known for doing his own stunts in his movies, which often involve risky behavior. The hosts speculate on whether or not this tendency to take risks translates into Cruise's personal life and discuss some of the more outlandish rumors about his personal life, such as his involvement in a secret cult.

Next, the hosts turn their attention to Kate Beckinsale, who has recently been spotted around town with a much younger man. The hosts tease Beckinsale, joking that she must be a cougar now. They also discuss the cultural taboo around older women dating younger men, and how Beckinsale's age difference with her new boyfriend has brought attention to this issue.

Throughout the episode, the hosts provide their own humorous commentary and observations about these two stories, as well as other Hollywood news. They also take calls from viewers, who weigh in on the stories and offer their own opinions and perspectives.

In general, Dish Nation is a celebrity news and gossip show that airs daily, providing viewers with entertaining and irreverent takes on the latest happenings in Hollywood and beyond. With a rotating team of hosts and correspondents, the show is always fresh and entertaining, and its unique blend of humor and insight has made it a favorite among pop culture fans.

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  • First Aired
    June 22, 2017
  • Language