Discovering the Cosmos

Watch Discovering the Cosmos

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

Discovering the Cosmos is a documentary series produced by the Smithsonian Channel that aims to present a comprehensive view of the universe, from the beginning of time to the present day. The show combines stunning visuals of space with scientific explanations to provide viewers with a better understanding of the cosmos, its origins, and its mysteries.

The series is divided into six episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of the universe. Episode one, titled "Genesis," explores the early universe and the events that led to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. The episode sets the stage for the rest of the series by explaining the fundamental concepts and theories that govern our understanding of the cosmos.

Episode two, "Planets," takes a closer look at the planets in our solar system and the conditions that make life possible on Earth. The episode examines the various ways scientists search for other habitable planets in the universe and what they hope to find. Episode three, "Stars," explores the fundamental role that stars play in the cosmos, from their formation to their eventual demise.

Episode four, "Black Holes," is perhaps the most fascinating episode of the series. It dives into the world of black holes, the mysterious gravitational monsters that can swallow everything around them. The episode explains how black holes form, what happens when objects get too close, and how scientists study them.

Episode five, "Galaxies," focuses on the large-scale structure of the universe and the clusters of galactic systems that make it up. The episode delves into the formation and evolution of galaxies and the role they play in the overall structure of the universe. Episode six, "Cosmic Endgame," reveals what scientists know about the ultimate fate of the universe and what might happen when it all ends.

Throughout the series, viewers will get a chance to meet some of the world's leading astronomers and astrophysicists who share their insights and theories about the universe. The show also presents a wide range of visual aids to help viewers understand complex scientific concepts, including animations, computer simulations, and breathtaking imagery of the cosmos.

One of the strengths of the Discovering the Cosmos series is the way it balances scientific rigor with accessibility. The explanations are easy to understand without sacrificing the complexity of the science behind them. The show takes complex ideas and makes them come alive for viewers, allowing them to delve into the mysteries of the universe in an engaging and entertaining way.

Another strength of the show is its attention to detail. The series explores many different aspects of the cosmos, from the smallest particles in the universe to the largest structures. The attention to detail allows viewers to appreciate the vastness of the universe and to marvel at its complexity.

Overall, Discovering the Cosmos is an excellent series for anyone interested in space, astronomy, and the universe. It presents a comprehensive view of the cosmos that is accessible to all, while still providing the rigorous scientific explanations that more experienced viewers demand. The stunning visuals and engaging content make it a must-see for anyone who wants to better understand the cosmos and our place within it.

Discovering the Cosmos is a series that ran for 1 seasons (4 episodes) between April 1, 2018 and on Smithsonian Channel

Discovering the Cosmos
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Where to Watch Discovering the Cosmos
Discovering the Cosmos is available for streaming on the Smithsonian Channel website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Discovering the Cosmos on demand at Amazon, Vudu, Google Play and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    April 1, 2018