Diff'rent Strokes Season 2 Episode 42

Ep 42. Ep 42 - Big Business

  • January 1, 1980

Ep 42 - Big Business is an engaging and thought-provoking episode from the second season of the hit sitcom Diff'rent Strokes. The show, created by Jeff Harris and Bernie Kukoff, revolves around the lives of two African-American brothers, Arnold and Willis Jackson, who move from Harlem to live with wealthy Park Avenue businessman Philip Drummond and his daughter, Kimberly.

The episode starts off with Mr. Drummond facing a dilemma when he discovers that the company he runs, Trans Allied Inc., is planning to close down one of its factories. Not only will this decision result in hundreds of employees losing their jobs, but it will also have devastating consequences for the small town in which the factory is located.

Realizing the impact of this closure on the workers and the community, Mr. Drummond is determined to fight against it. He believes that as the president of the company, he has the power and responsibility to make a difference. He convinces the Trans Allied Inc. board members to delay the closure and offers an alternative plan to save the factory and the jobs of its workers.

However, Mr. Drummond quickly realizes that his good intentions may not be enough. The board members are primarily focused on financial gains and maximizing profits, ignoring the social and human consequences of their actions. Determined to make them understand the importance of their decision, Mr. Drummond invites Arnold, Willis, and their friend, Dudley, to join him in a meeting with the board.

As the boys enter the Trans Allied Inc. boardroom, they are confronted by a room full of serious, middle-aged businessmen. The stark contrast between the innocent naiveté of the young boys and the cold corporate environment sets the stage for a compelling clash of perspectives. Arnold, always outspoken and unafraid to challenge authority, takes the lead in expressing the concerns of the workers and the community.

Through their heartfelt and impassioned speeches, Arnold and Dudley manage to touch the hearts of some board members. They humanize the issue, reminding the executives that they are not just numbers on a balance sheet, but real people with families, dreams, and aspirations. Their words challenge the profit-driven mindset and force the board members to reevaluate their priorities.

The episode also explores the dynamics between the characters. Mr. Drummond, a wealthy businessman himself, is torn between his responsibility to the company and his desire to help those in need. Arnold, Willis, and Dudley, who come from modest backgrounds, provide a fresh perspective and remind Mr. Drummond of the less fortunate.

As the episode progresses, the tension rises as the board members struggle to reconcile their financial interests with their social conscience. The boys' impassioned arguments push them to question their own values, leading to a heated discussion that ultimately determines the fate of the factory.

Ep 42 - Big Business is an emotionally charged episode that remains relevant even decades after its original airing. It tackles issues of corporate social responsibility, the impact of decisions on individuals and communities, and the power of empathy. It reminds us that profit and compassion can coexist, and that sometimes ordinary people, like Arnold and Dudley, can make a significant difference in the face of big business. Diff'rent Strokes continues to be a beloved show that entertains and educates audiences, and this episode exemplifies its ability to tackle serious topics while maintaining its comedic charm.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1980
  • Language