Diff'rent Strokes Season 2 Episode 40

Ep 40. Ep 40 - The Election

  • January 1, 1979

Ep 40 - The Election:

In episode 40 of the hit sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" titled "The Election," the Drummonds find themselves embroiled in a small but eventful political race that takes the household by storm. As the family faces the challenges of politics and the responsibility that comes with it, they learn valuable lessons about integrity, community, and the power of standing up for what they believe in.

The episode begins with the Drummond children, Arnold and Willis, excitedly discussing the upcoming student council elections at their school. Arnold, ever the mischief-maker, decides to throw his hat in the ring and run for president. Recognizing the importance of civic engagement, Mr. Drummond supports his son's decision and encourages him to take part in the democratic process.

Soon enough, Arnold's enthusiasm catches the attention of his classmates, who begin to rally around him, forming a campaign team to support his bid for student council president. Kimberly, Arnold's caring and compassionate older sister, takes on the role of campaign manager, utilizing her intelligence and organizational skills to guide Arnold's campaign. She believes her brother has what it takes to win and aims to make his campaign a success.

As the election progresses, Arnold's opponent, Lisa Hayes, emerges as a formidable competitor. Lisa is an intelligent and well-liked student who is determined to make a difference in the school community. Fueled by their desire to see change, both candidates run passionate campaigns, using various strategies to win over their fellow students. Emotions run high as the candidates engage in spirited debates, knock on classroom doors, and deliver persuasive speeches.

Meanwhile, Mr. Drummond, always interested in encouraging his children's growth, offers Arnold guidance in navigating the complexities of politics. He emphasizes the importance of remaining honest, respectful, and focused on the issues rather than engaging in personal attacks. Through thoughtful discussions and conversations, Mr. Drummond instills in Arnold the values of integrity and fair play, urging him to remember the significance of this election beyond personal gain.

As the election draws near, tensions in the Drummond household rise. Arnold feels the pressure to deliver a strong campaign, but he begins to question his own motives. Is he running for president because he genuinely wants to make a difference or simply to satisfy his ego? These internal conflicts make him reflect on his character and the lessons imparted by his father.

On election day, emotions run high at school as students line up to cast their votes. Arnold and Lisa await the election results anxiously. The outcome of the election will not only determine the student council president but also shed light on the journey of self-discovery Arnold has embarked upon. The episode masterfully captures the excitement, enthusiasm, and inevitable disappointments that come with participating in an election, reminding viewers of the significance of democracy.

"The Election" episode of "Diff'rent Strokes" beautifully showcases the importance of civic engagement and personal growth. Through the lens of an elementary school election, it explores universal themes such as integrity, character-building, and the power of democratic decisions. The storylines are expertly woven, providing moments of laughter, emotional depth, and genuine lesson-learning. Fans of the show will undoubtedly enjoy this heartwarming and thought-provoking episode, and it stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of "Diff'rent Strokes" as a series.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1979
  • Language