Diff'rent Strokes Season 2 Episode 18

Ep 18. Poor Drummond

  • TV-PG
  • February 13, 1980
  • 22 min
  • 7.1  (78)

In the heartwarming episode "Poor Drummond" from the second season of the beloved sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, audiences are treated to another entertaining and meaningful adventure with the lovable Drummond family. With their unique blend of comedy, heart, and important life lessons, Diff'rent Strokes continues to captivate viewers with its relatable characters and engaging storylines.

The episode "Poor Drummond" takes place at the elegant penthouse apartment of wealthy New Yorker Philip Drummond. Mr. Drummond, played by the talented Conrad Bain, is a successful businessman and widower who has adopted two African American brothers, Arnold (Gary Coleman) and Willis (Todd Bridges).

In this particular episode, Mr. Drummond finds himself facing a financial crisis when his business ventures take an unexpected turn. As the family gathers around the kitchen table to discuss their situation, Mr. Drummond realizes that they might have to make some significant changes to their lifestyle. This realization weighs heavily on him as he worries about how the boys will adjust to a life with fewer luxuries.

Meanwhile, Arnold and Willis, aware of their father figure's distress, try to come up with a plan to help alleviate his worries. Being the resourceful and mischievous young boy that he is, Arnold devises a scheme to relieve some of Mr. Drummond's financial burden. With the support and help of his brother, Willis, Arnold sets his plan into motion.

The boys' unconventional plan involves them conducting a charitable scheme that they believe will generate the necessary funds to help their father figure. The boys' efforts take them on a comedic and heartwarming journey, as they encounter various obstacles and challenges along the way.

Throughout the episode, "Poor Drummond" skillfully combines humor and heart to explore themes of love, sacrifice, and the importance of family. Viewers are reminded that financial hardships can affect anyone, regardless of their social standing. The episode also underscores the value of resourcefulness, resilience, and the support of loved ones during challenging times.

As Arnold and Willis put their plan into action, they face several humorous situations that result in unexpected outcomes. Through their naivety and innocence, the boys learn important lessons about the true value of money, the meaning of generosity, and the importance of appreciating what they already have.

"Poor Drummond" also delves into the deep bond shared between Mr. Drummond and the boys. As the episode progresses, the heartfelt moments between them highlight the strength of their relationship and their unwavering support for each other. The characters' interactions showcase the genuine love and care that have made the Drummond family such an endearing part of television history.

The episode reaches its heartwarming climax when Mr. Drummond realizes the extent of his sons' efforts. Amongst the humor and laughter, a powerful lesson about love, kindness, and selflessness unfolds. As the family comes together and faces their financial challenges head-on, they discover that their true wealth lies in the love and support they have for each other.

"Poor Drummond" ultimately reminds viewers that material possessions are far less valuable than the enduring bonds of family and love. It showcases the strength of the human spirit, the importance of gratitude, and the power of unity in overcoming adversity.

With its blend of comedy, warmth, and timeless life lessons, the episode "Poor Drummond" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of Diff'rent Strokes. Whether viewers are long-time fans or newcomers to the series, this episode captivates and entertains, leaving them with a renewed appreciation for the power of love and family.

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  • First Aired
    February 13, 1980
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (78)