Dexter's Laboratory Season 3 Episode 24

Ep 24. Comic Relief

  • June 21, 2002
  • 22 min
  • 6.1  (87)

Dexter's Laboratory season 3 episode 24, titled Comic Relief, sees Dexter and his arch-nemesis, Mandark, competing in a comedy competition to win the title of "Funniest Person in the World". The episode begins with Dexter struggling to come up with a stand-up routine for the competition, while Mandark prepares with ease. Dexter is worried that he will embarrass himself in front of his peers and his family.

In an attempt to improve his chances of winning, Dexter creates a robotic comedian called "Dyno-Mom". This robot is designed to be the ultimate stand-up comedian and is programmed with all of the best jokes and one-liners in the world. Despite Dexter's best efforts, it becomes clear that Dyno-Mom is not nearly as funny as expected, which leaves Dexter to improvise.

As the competition begins, Dexter and Mandark take turns performing for the audience. Dexter struggles to get laughs from the audience and things begin to look bleak. However, just when it seems like all hope is lost, Dexter has a moment of inspiration and begins to tell jokes about his laboratory that send the audience into hysterics. He ends up winning the competition, much to Mandark's dismay.

While the episode is centered around the competition between Dexter and Mandark, there are also a few subplots that add to the hilarity. For example, Dexter's sister Dee Dee is on a quest to find the perfect laugh, which leads her to try out a variety of different comedy clubs and styles. Meanwhile, Dexter's parents are dealing with their own comedic crisis involving a faulty toaster.

Comic Relief is a hilarious episode that showcases the talents of Dexter and his friends in new and unexpected ways. The jokes are clever and well-written, and the performances from the voice actors bring the characters to life in a delightful way. Fans of the show will appreciate the introduction of new characters like Dyno-Mom, as well as the continuation of ongoing storylines like Dee Dee's search for the perfect laugh. Overall, if you're looking for a fun and entertaining episode of Dexter's Laboratory, this one is definitely worth watching.

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  • First Aired
    June 21, 2002
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.1  (87)