Dexter's Laboratory Season 3 Episode 20

Ep 20. Would You Like That In The Can

  • TV-G
  • June 7, 2002
  •   (107)

Dexter's Laboratory season 3 episode 20, titled "Would You Like That In The Can," follows Dexter, a young boy genius, as he tries to invent a new type of soda can. Dexter is no stranger to inventing, and he has always been very passionate about creating things. With this new invention, he hopes to revolutionize the beverage industry and improve the experience of drinking soda.

However, things don't go as planned. Dexter's new can design turns out to be flawed, and it causes a lot of chaos in his laboratory. The cans unexpectedly explode, creating a mess and damaging equipment. Dexter's sister Dee Dee is always causing trouble, but this time she offers to help him clean up the lab. Together, they try to fix the cans and prevent any further damage from occurring.

In the meantime, Dexter's rival Mandark learns about his failed experiment and sees an opportunity to one-up him. Mandark creates his own version of the can, and it becomes an instant success. Dexter is very frustrated with this turn of events and decides to take matters into his own hands. With the help of his lab assistant, he comes up with a plan to prove that his can is superior.

The episode moves at a fast pace, with lots of action and comedy. Dexter's witty and sarcastic remarks keep viewers entertained, and the animation is bright and colorful. The conflict between Dexter and Mandark adds a sense of urgency to the plot, and viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as they wait to see who will come out on top.

Overall, "Would You Like That In The Can" is a fun and entertaining episode of Dexter's Laboratory. It showcases Dexter's creativity and determination, as well as his ability to bounce back from failure. The episode also emphasizes the importance of working together and learning from mistakes. Dexter is a lovable character, and viewers of all ages are sure to enjoy watching him navigate the ups and downs of inventing.

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  • First Aired
    June 7, 2002
  • Content Rating
  • Language