Dexter's Laboratory Season 3 Episode 18

Ep 18. Dos Boot

  • June 7, 2002
  •   (107)

Dexter's Laboratory is an animated series that revolves around the life of a young boy named Dexter, who is a genius scientist. He has a hidden laboratory in his house, where he conducts experiments and creates various inventions. The show is filled with humor and adventure, and it provides a unique insight into the mind of a child scientist.

In season 3, episode 18, titled "Dos Boot," Dexter is on a mission to create a new supercomputer. But things take a dramatic turn when he accidentally spills coffee on his computer's motherboard. Frustrated and angry, Dexter decides to take a break and go for a swim.

While swimming, Dexter accidentally drops his glasses into the pool. He tries to retrieve them, but he is unable to see without his glasses, making it impossible for him to find them. Just as he is about to give up, Dexter is rescued by a group of dolphins who help him find his glasses.

Grateful for their help, Dexter decides to show his gratitude by creating a machine that will allow him to communicate with the dolphins. He works tirelessly for days, and finally completes the machine. Dexter is thrilled to test it out and begins his experiment.

However, things go awry when Dexter accidentally sets his communication machine to "dolphin speak." He does not realize this, and the machine ends up translating his words into dolphin language. The dolphins hear these translated words and assume that Dexter is a fellow dolphin.

Thrilled to have found a new friend, the dolphins invite Dexter to go on an adventure with them. They tell him about a sunken submarine that is located in the deeper parts of the ocean. The dolphins want to explore it, but they need Dexter's help to get inside.

Dexter is hesitant, but he eventually gives in to their request. Together, they set out to find the sunken submarine. However, things take a turn for the worse when Dexter and the dolphins encounter a giant squid that has been guarding the submarine.

The squid proves to be a formidable opponent, and Dexter and the dolphins are almost defeated. But they work together to come up with a plan to defeat the squid and gain access to the submarine. They use Dexter's scientific tools and the dolphin's natural abilities to overpower the squid and gain access to the submarine.

Once inside the submarine, the dolphins are thrilled to find a treasure trove of new tools and equipment. They begin to explore, but Dexter soon realizes that the submarine's engines are about to explode. He frantically works to fix the engines before it's too late.

In the end, Dexter and the dolphins successfully repair the submarine and make it safely back to the surface. Dexter thanks the dolphins for their help and the incredible adventure they shared together. He realizes that sometimes, the best inventions come from moments of spontaneity and adventure.

Overall, "Dos Boot" is an exciting and suspenseful episode that showcases Dexter's resourcefulness and ingenuity. It also highlights the importance of teamwork and the power of unexpected friendships. The episode is a testament to the show's unique blend of science, humor, and adventure, and it is sure to delight fans of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    June 7, 2002
  • Language