Watch Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik
- 2017
- 1 Season
7.7 (167)
Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik is a Indian television show that premiered in 2015. The show revolves around the mythology of Indian Gods, their stories, and their significance in Indian culture. The show is hosted by Devdutt Pattanaik, a renowned Indian mythologist, who explains the mythology in a simple and comprehensive manner. The show features Rasika Dugal, who plays the role of an interviewer, interacting with the host, Devdutt Pattanaik, and asking him various questions related to Indian mythology.
The show is divided into several episodes, each of which explores a different mythological theme. The show covers a wide range of topics, including the creation myths of Hindu gods, their symbolism, and their significance in Indian culture. Devdutt Pattanaik presents the mythology in a non-dogmatic manner, and his explanations are based on historical and cultural facts.
One of the striking features of the show is its simple and informal approach towards Indian mythology. Devdutt Pattanaik uses everyday language to explain the complex and often esoteric concepts of Indian mythology. By doing so, he makes the show accessible to a wide range of people, regardless of their educational background or religious beliefs.
Another highlight of the show is the way it combines storytelling with historical and cultural analysis. Devdutt Pattanaik narrates the stories of Indian gods and goddesses in a captivating manner that holds the audience's attention. He then proceeds to provide a historical and cultural context that helps viewers understand the significance of these stories in Indian culture.
The show also features several interviews with experts from different fields. These experts provide additional insights into the various themes explored in the show, thus enriching the viewer's understanding of Indian mythology. Additionally, the show features several field visits, where Devdutt Pattanaik visits various temples and other places associated with Indian mythology. These visits provide viewers with a deeper insight into the religious and cultural practices associated with Indian mythology.
Overall, Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik is an informative and engaging show that offers a fresh perspective on Indian mythology. The show's informal approach towards the subject matter, combined with its storytelling and cultural analysis, makes it an excellent resource for anyone interested in Indian culture and mythology. The show is a must-watch for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Indian mythology and its significance in Indian culture.