Watch Detectives (English subtitled)
- 2013
- 2 Seasons
Detectives (English subtitled) is a gripping crime drama series that has captured audiences all around the world. Produced in France, the series follows the life and work of police detectives as they attempt to solve the most complex criminal cases that arise in their city.
The show follows a team of detectives who are tasked with investigating some of the most heinous crimes committed in their city. Each episode presents a new case which the team must work tirelessly to solve. The episodes are self-contained, ensuring that the show is easy to follow and enjoy.
The detectives, who come from different backgrounds and have diverse personalities, work together to investigate each case. They are led by a senior detective who is experienced and skilled at his job, and who holds the team together even in the most difficult of situations.
The show is well-written and expertly directed, with strong performances from the entire cast. The crimes themselves are complex, and the detectives are faced with a range of challenges as they attempt to solve each one. The show is also compelling in the way it explores the toll that working on such cases can take on the detectives themselves, both mentally and emotionally.
One of the key strengths of Detectives (English subtitled) is its ability to keep audiences engaged throughout each episode. The pacing is excellent, with a perfect blend of action, drama, and suspense. Each episode builds to a satisfying conclusion, with the detectives untangling the clues to expose the truth behind the crime.
The show is also notable for its excellent cinematography, which captures the gritty reality of the city in which the detectives work. The locations are carefully chosen to create an atmospheric backdrop for each episode, with the urban environment adding to the grim and sometimes bleak tone of the show.
While the show can be dark and intense at times, it also balances this with moments of humor and humanity. The detectives are portrayed as real people with strengths and weaknesses, and the audience becomes invested in their personal stories as well as the cases they are working on.
All of these factors combine to make Detectives (English subtitled) a must-watch for fans of the crime genre. The show is tense, thrilling, and expertly crafted, with something to offer audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
In conclusion, Detectives (English subtitled) is an excellent crime drama that deserves its reputation as one of the best shows in the genre. The characters are engaging, the stories are gripping, and the production values are top-notch. If you're a fan of crime dramas, then this show is definitely worth checking out.
Detectives (English subtitled) is a series that ran for 2 seasons (16 episodes) between May 21, 2013 and on MHz Worldview