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  • TV-14
  • 2013
  • 2 Seasons
  • 5.5  (1,535)

Delete is a thrilling science-fiction series that aired on ReelzChannel in 2013. The show features a star-studded cast including Keir Gilchrist, Erin Karpluk, and Ryan Robbins. Delete is set in a near-future world where the internet and technology have completely taken over people's lives. The show follows the story of a group of characters whose lives are forever changed by the internet, and the dangers that come with it.

The main protagonist of the show is Lucas (played by Keir Gilchrist), a young hacker who becomes the target of a dangerous cybercriminal organization. Lucas must navigate the dangerous world of cybercrime and fight to protect himself and those he loves.

Erin Karpluk plays the role of Jesse, a journalist who uses her investigative skills to uncover the truth about the dangerous cybercriminal organization that is threatening Lucas's life. As the story unfolds, the two characters work together to uncover the secrets behind the organization and put an end to their reign of terror.

Ryan Robbins plays the role of Collin, an ex-cop who was forced to retire after being injured in the line of duty. Collin joins Lucas and Jesse in their fight against the cybercriminals, bringing his experience and knowledge to the team.

As the story progresses, the characters come face-to-face with the dangers of the internet and the power that technology holds over people's lives. They must use their skills and bravery to defy the odds and stop the cybercriminals from causing chaos and destruction.

Delete is a fast-paced and action-packed series that explores the dangers of the internet and technology. The show raises important questions about the role that technology plays in our lives and the need for caution when it comes to our digital identities.

Overall, Delete is a must-watch series for science-fiction fans who enjoy thrilling and thought-provoking stories. With its talented cast and gripping storyline, it is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Delete is a series that ran for 2 seasons (5 episodes) between August 19, 2013 and on ReelzChannel

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Delete Part 2
2. Delete Part 2
August 19, 2013
When reporter Jessica Taylor (Karpluk) and her hacker friend Daniel (Gilchrist) discover a viral threat to be the source of a nearly triggered nuclear reactor meltdown, they soon realize there is more to the story than just a computer malfunction. As chaos begins to reign across the globe, it becomes apparent that artificial intelligence has turned into a conscious entity with the sole purpose of destroying the world, one disaster at a time. With mankind facing possible extinction, the only way to save the world is to create a second form of artificial intelligence that is just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous. When reporter Jessica Taylor (Karpluk) and her hacker friend Daniel (Gilchrist) discover a viral threat to be the source of a nearly triggered nuclear reactor meltdown, they soon realize there is more to the story than just a computer malfunction. As chaos begins to reign across the globe, it becomes apparent that artificial intelligence has turned into a conscious entity with the sole purpose of destroying the world, one disaster at a time. With mankind facing possible extinction, the only way to save the world is to create a second form of artificial intelligence that is just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous. EXPANDED MINISERIES VERSION FEATURING CONTENT NOT SEEN ON TELEVISION.
Delete Part 1
1. Delete Part 1
August 19, 2013
When reporter Jessica Taylor (Karpluk) and her hacker friend Daniel (Gilchrist) discover a viral threat to be the source of a nearly triggered nuclear reactor meltdown, they soon realize there is more to the story than just a computer malfunction. As chaos begins to reign across the globe, it becomes apparent that artificial intelligence has turned into a conscious entity with the sole purpose of destroying the world, one disaster at a time. With mankind facing possible extinction, the only way to save the world is to create a second form of artificial intelligence that is just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous. EXPANDED MINISERIES VERSION FEATURING CONTENT NOT SEEN ON TELEVISION.
Where to Watch Delete
Delete is available for streaming on the ReelzChannel website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Delete on demand at Amazon Prime, Netflix, Amazon, Vudu, FuboTV, Apple TV, Crackle, Tubi TV, Pluto TV and Plex.
  • Premiere Date
    August 19, 2013
  • IMDB Rating
    5.5  (1,535)