Dean Schneider Season 1 Episode 7
Dean Schneider
Season 1

Ep 7. Forming The Lion Pride! Dean Schneider

  • TV-14
  • July 29, 2020
  • 10 min

Dean Schneider is a wildlife expert who quit his corporate life to pursue his passion for wildlife conservation. In Dean Schneider season 1 episode 7, titled "Forming The Lion Pride," viewers get an inside look at the challenging task of introducing two new lionesses to Dean's lion pride.

Dean has created a lion sanctuary in South Africa where he rescues lions from captivity and rehabilitates them. In this episode, Dean introduces two new lionesses to his pride. It's a critical moment for the survival of the pride as they need to form a bond with each other. The lionesses were born in captivity and had never been in the wild before.

Dean explains that it's not uncommon for lions to experience aggression and even fatalities during the process of forming a pride. He is determined to make this a success, however, and employs various tactics to make the introduction as smoothly as possible.

As the episode progresses, viewers get a glimpse into Dean's daily routine of caring for the lions. We see him playing with the cubs, feeding the lions, and observing their behavior. Dean has a unique relationship with his lions, and it shows in the way they interact with him. We witness how Dean's love and care for the animals has created a bond between them that is truly remarkable.

Throughout the episode, viewers also learn about the threats facing lions in Africa. Dean talks about the challenges of poaching and the destruction of habitats, which are pushing wild lions towards extinction. He believes that education and conservation are key to protecting these majestic animals. This message is an important reminder of the urgent need to protect wildlife.

Back at the sanctuary, the new lionesses are starting to integrate with Dean's pride. We see them playing with the eager cubs and getting to know the other lions. Dean is pleased with the progress they have made, but there are still some challenges ahead. He hopes that the new lionesses will soon become an integral part of the pride and ensure its continued survival.

The episode concludes with Dean reflecting on the success of the introduction. He is proud of the way the lions have come together and the bond he shares with these magnificent animals. It's a heartwarming glimpse into the incredible work being done to protect lions and other wildlife in Africa.

In conclusion, Dean Schneider season 1 episode 7, " Forming The Lion Pride," is an inspiring and educational episode that provides a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to care for, reintegrate, and form a pride of lions. It's a must-watch for nature lovers and those who care about wildlife conservation.

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  • First Aired
    July 29, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    10 min
  • Language