Dean Schneider Season 1 Episode 5
Dean Schneider
Season 1

Ep 5. Part Of The Lion Pride! Dean Schneider Living With Lions

  • TV-14
  • July 29, 2020
  • 9 min

Dean Schneider season 1 episode 5, titled "Part of the Lion Pride," follows animal lover and conservationist Dean Schneider as he continues his journey in South Africa, living with and taking care of a pride of lions. In this episode, we see Dean's unyielding dedication to the welfare and protection of his lion pride, as he prepares for the arrival of a new lioness, Belia, who has been rehabilitated and is ready to join the family.

Dean works tirelessly to ensure that the pride is comfortable with the new addition, taking the time to introduce Belia to each lion in the pride and monitoring their interactions. His efforts pay off, as we witness the heartwarming moments when the lions welcome Belia into the fold.

As the show progresses, we see Dean's deep connection and bond with the lions. He spends time playing with them, cuddling them, and even grooming them, showing viewers the trust and love that exists between him and the pride.

However, it's not just about the love and affection between Dean and his lions. He also takes great care in ensuring their health and well-being. In this episode, we see Dean take the lions for regular check-ups with a veterinarian, ensuring that they receive the necessary treatment and vaccinations to keep them healthy.

Throughout the episode, viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, witnessing the highs and lows of life in the African bush. There are moments of joy and laughter, but also moments of tension and fear, as Dean and his team work tirelessly to protect their lions from potential threats, such as poachers and other predators.

Ultimately, "Part of the Lion Pride" is a heartwarming and inspiring episode that showcases the profound connection that can exist between humans and animals. Dean Schneider's unwavering dedication to the welfare and protection of his lions is truly admirable, and viewers will undoubtedly be left feeling inspired and in awe of his work in the conservation space.

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  • First Aired
    July 29, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    9 min
  • Language