"Day Break Illusion" is a Japanese anime television series produced by Aniplex and directed by Keizō Kusakawa. The show revolved around a young girl named Akari Taiyō, who discovers that she is a special type of magical girl known as a "Tarot User." Along with her friends, she fights against evil creatures called Daemonia.
The show was first premiered on July 6, 2013, and aired for a total of 13 episodes until September 28, 2013. It garnered a good response from the audience and received mixed reviews from the critics. The anime was also adapted into a manga series, which was illustrated by Akira Kasukabe.
The storyline of the anime revolved around Akari Taiyō, a cheerful and optimistic girl who loves her family and friends. One day, while performing her usual routine, she meets a mysterious man who presents her with a tarot card. This event changes Akari's life forever as it awakens her to her true calling as a "Tarot User" and the responsibility that comes with it.
As a Tarot User, Akari is granted magical powers that allow her to fight against the Daemonia, creatures that are born from the negative feelings of humans. The Daemonia are responsible for causing tragedy and sadness in the world, and it's the Tarot Users' job to stop them.
Akari soon discovers that she is not the only Tarot User as she meets other girls who have the same powers as her. She befriends Seira Hoshikawa, Luna Tsukuyomi, and Ginka Shirokane, who are fellow Tarot Users, and together they form the group "Sefiro Fiore."
As the story progresses, Akari and her friends encounter various challenges and face off against powerful Daemonia. The show also explores the girls' personal lives as they struggle to balance their duties as Tarot Users and their school life.
The characters in "Day Break Illusion" are well developed and have distinct personalities, making them interesting to watch. Akari, the main character, is a happy-go-lucky girl who is always positive and determined. Seira, on the other hand, is more reserved and serious, and Luna is a sweet and caring girl who often worries about her friends. Ginka is the wild and fun-loving member of the group, who always adds a comedic element to the show with her antics.
The anime also features impressive animation and art style, which adds to the show's immersive elements. The use of bright colors and intricate details brings the magical world of the Tarot Users to life, and the action scenes are well choreographed.
The show's soundtrack also deserves a special mention as it's composed by popular musicians like Yasuharu Takanashi and Taku Iwasaki. The opening theme "Trigger" is sung by the Japanese pop group KOTOKO, and the ending theme "Les Soirees" is performed by the voice actresses of the four main characters.
In conclusion, "Day Break Illusion" is a must-watch anime for fans of the magical girl genre. The show offers an engaging story, memorable characters, impressive visuals, and a great soundtrack. It's a perfect blend of action, drama, and comedy that keeps you hooked from start to finish.
CastMai KadowakiEri KitamuraSora TokuiYuiko TatsumiAya Endo
Premiere DateJuly 6, 2013
IMDB Rating6.0 (40)
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