Ep 44. Halloween Who Did It?
It is Halloween and the kids get all dressed up. Afterwards, the baker allows them to have a mischeif night, but they go way too far. Disguised in masks, they realize that they can do anything they want and that no body will know who they are. They go too far breaking windows, property, and vandalizing the neighborhood. They blame their behavior on the characters they are protraying instead of themselves. The next day, Davey wants nothing to do with Goliath because he bit him in the name of being a Tiger, Goliath growls and is mad at Sally because she tripped Goliath in the name of being a witch. Then Davey has to realize that he has to tell a friend that he shot a mini missle and destroyed this man's bee hive. Nothing seems right and Davey's conscience is going through some tough time. When they confess (even to themselves) that they were the ones that did it, they feel better and try to put it all behind them. (C.1967)