Watch Daughter Of Twenty Faces
- 1969
Daughter of Twenty Faces is a Japanese anime series produced by the studio Bones and premiered on the Japanese television network Fuji TV in 2008. The show is based on the manga of the same name, written and illustrated by the Japanese author Mizuki Tsujimura. Daughter of Twenty Faces tells the story of Chizuko Mikamo, a young girl who becomes involved with a group of thieves led by a mysterious man known only as Twenty Faces. After Chizuko's wealthy father is murdered by a group of gangsters, she is taken in by Twenty Faces and his band of thieves, who teach her the art of thievery and deception.
As the series progresses, Chizuko becomes more and more skilled at her new profession, and she and Twenty Faces develop a deep bond. However, Chizuko discovers that Twenty Faces has a dark secret that he has been keeping from her, and she is forced to confront the truth about his past and the reasons why he became a thief.
The show blends elements of action, adventure, and mystery, and features a cast of compelling characters. Chizuko is a strong and determined protagonist, who is not afraid to take risks to achieve her goals. Twenty Faces is a mysterious and enigmatic figure, whose motivations and past remain shrouded in secrecy for much of the series.
One of the most striking aspects of Daughter of Twenty Faces is its animation style. The series features a unique blend of 2D and 3D animation, which creates a vivid and immersive visual experience. The colors and designs are rich and detailed, and the action scenes are fast-paced and thrilling.
The music for the series is also noteworthy, featuring a mix of traditional Japanese instrumentation and modern electronic beats. The opening and closing themes are catchy and memorable, and help to set the tone for the show.
Overall, Daughter of Twenty Faces is a well-crafted anime series that will appeal to fans of action, adventure, and mystery. Its blend of compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and striking visuals make it a standout example of the genre.
So, if you're looking for a thrilling and engaging anime series to watch, look no further than Daughter of Twenty Faces!