Dating #NoFilter Season 2 Episode 20
Dating #NoFilter
Season 2

Ep 20. Wrestling for Love

  • December 9, 2020

In this episode of Dating #NoFilter, viewers get to witness the trials and tribulations of six singles as they attend a wrestling match and attempt to find love. From the very beginning, it becomes clear that each of the contestants has their own unique quirks that will either make or break their chances of finding love.

As the show begins, viewers are introduced to the first pair of contestants, who are both huge wrestling fans. Despite their shared love of the sport, it quickly becomes evident that their personalities clash. One is very outgoing and gregarious, while the other is much more reserved and introverted. Will their love of wrestling be enough to overcome their vastly different personalities?

Next up is a pair of contestants who initially seem to have a lot in common. They're both big fans of physical fitness and spend a lot of time in the gym. However, it quickly becomes apparent that they have very different workout regimens. One is a dedicated weightlifter, while the other prefers to focus on cardio. Will their differences in fitness routines cause a rift between them, or can they find a common ground?

The third pair of contestants are both self-professed "weirdos" who love to joke around and have fun. They seem to hit it off right away, but their constant joking and teasing may just be a cover-up for deeper insecurities. Can they let down their guard long enough to truly connect with one another?

The fourth pair of contestants are both very career-oriented and have extremely demanding jobs. While they both admire each other's drive and ambition, they struggle to find time for a relationship amidst their busy schedules. Will they be able to make it work, or will their careers get in the way?

The fifth pair of contestants are both fans of cosplay and enjoy dressing up in elaborate costumes. However, their passion for cosplay may be masking deeper issues. One of them has trouble opening up and being vulnerable, while the other struggles with jealousy and insecurity. Can they work through their problems and find happiness together?

The final pair of contestants are both animal lovers who share a deep passion for rescue work. However, their own personal insecurities threaten to ruin any hope they have of finding love. One of them has a fear of commitment, while the other is wary of getting hurt again after a previous failed relationship. Can they overcome their hesitations and take a chance on each other?

As the contestants navigate the evening and attempt to connect with one another, they are observed and commented on by a panel of comedians who provide their own hilarious insights and commentary. With no topic off-limits and no joke too risqué, the comedians offer a fresh perspective on the dating world.

Overall, this episode of Dating #NoFilter promises to be a wild ride as viewers watch six singles attempt to find love amidst the chaos of a wrestling match. With each contestant bringing their own unique quirks and challenges to the table, it's anyone's guess as to who will come out on top.

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  • First Aired
    December 9, 2020
  • Language