Dating #NoFilter Season 2 Episode 2
Dating #NoFilter
Season 2

Ep 2. Love on Crop

  • August 6, 2019

In Dating #NoFilter season 2 episode 2, titled "Love on Crop," the dating comedians have a field day when two single people trying to find love on a farm get set up on a date. The episode features two comedic daters, John and Lauren, who are matched up on an unconventional date in the countryside.

John is a 36-year-old farmer from Sacramento, California, who spends most of his day working on his crop farm. As one of the few single people in his area, John has been struggling to meet someone who can handle his hectic lifestyle and understands the hard work that goes into farming. Lauren is a 28-year-old fashion stylist from Los Angeles who has been looking for a change of pace when it comes to dating. She's a city girl through and through and has never left the concrete jungle, making this dating experience one she won't soon forget.

The setting for their date is a farm in Northern California, where John gives Lauren a tour of his land and introduces her to all his farm animals. While it's clear that John knows everything there is to know about farm life, Lauren is a bit out of her element. She's never been on a farm before and is not quite sure what to expect. The dazzling sunlight and lush greenery all around make it a picturesque setting, but will the couple hit it off despite their differences?

As the two get to know each other, the comedians observing their date provide hilarious commentary on everything from John's work in the field to Lauren's style choices. Comedian Zac Pearlman comments, "I love that John's not trying to impress Lauren. He's just wearing his regular day farmer clothes." Comedian Kelsey Darragh jokes, "Lauren looks like she's on her way to a Taylor Swift concert, not a farm date."

As the date continues, it's clear that John is used to doing everything himself. He tells Lauren that he's been single for a while because he's so busy with his farm duties. Lauren tries to show interest in John's work by asking him about farming and his daily routine, but it's evident that she's not quite sure what to ask. It's also clear that John doesn't typically go on dates, and he's not quite sure how to make conversation either. The comedians note that John seems shy and awkward, while Lauren isn't quite sure how to talk to someone who lives on a farm.

As the sun starts to set, John and Lauren sit down to have a picnic dinner in a field. John prepares food using fresh ingredients from his farm, while Lauren enjoys the view of everything around her. Sitting in the open field, with no one else around, the tension between John and Lauren is palpable. The comedians continue to provide their hilarious commentary, even suggesting that Lauren is more interested in the food than in John.

At the end of the date, it's clear that John and Lauren have very different lifestyles. John enjoys the peace and quiet of farm life, while Lauren is more comfortable in the hustle and bustle of the city. Despite their differences, they both had a good time and shared some laughs over their farm-to-table meal. Will they find a way to make it work?

Overall, "Love on Crop" is a lighthearted and enjoyable episode of Dating #NoFilter that showcases the interactions, awkwardness, and laughter that inevitably come with dating. The episode is an excellent reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected match can turn out to be the perfect one.

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  • First Aired
    August 6, 2019
  • Language