Dating #NoFilter Season 2 Episode 13
Dating #NoFilter
Season 2

Ep 13. Sugar Daddy

  • November 18, 2020

Dating #NoFilter is a reality show where a group of comedians sit down to watch and commentate on people's first dates. In the season 2 episode 13 titled "Sugar Daddy," the comedians watch as a single woman goes on a date with an older man who is clearly her sugar daddy.

The episode starts with the comedians, Kelsey Darragh, Zach Noe Towers, Ben Bizuneh, Nina Parker, and Cara Connors, settling into their seats and explaining the show's concept to the viewers. They then introduce the daters for the episode, Mara and Harvey. Mara is a young woman who is clearly into luxury and Harvey is a much older man who can afford to give her the lifestyle she craves.

The first scene features Mara getting ready for the date while explaining to the camera that she is hoping to find someone who can provide her with the luxurious life she desires. Harvey arrives at her apartment in his flashy black sports car, and the two exchange pleasantries before heading off to dinner.

At the restaurant, Mara and Harvey are seated at a table and start making small talk. The comedians watch the date unfold and quickly pick up on the fact that Harvey is much older than Mara and that he is fulfilling the role of a sugar daddy. They joke about Harvey being so old that he probably walked with dinosaurs, and that Mara is only interested in his wallet.

As the date progresses, the comedians watch as Mara and Harvey discuss their interests, with Harvey frequently steering the conversation back to his wealth. He talks about his investments and the expensive cars he owns, while Mara listens attentively and nods along. The comedians joke about the fact that Harvey is using his money to impress Mara, and that she is playing him like a fiddle.

The episode continues with the comedians watching as Mara and Harvey visit a luxury spa, take a ride on his yacht, and shop for designer clothes. They watch as Mara seems to be enjoying the luxury lifestyle that Harvey is providing her with, all while Harvey appears to be smitten with her. They joke about Mara potentially starting a career as a professional gold digger and that Harvey must be desperate for companionship if he is willing to pay for her lifestyle.

As the date comes to a close, the comedians watch as Mara and Harvey say goodbye, with Mara telling him that she had a great time and that she'd like to see him again. The comedians speculate whether Mara is really interested in Harvey or if she's just looking for someone to provide for her. They laugh about the fact that Mara is probably only interested in Harvey for his money and that he may be in for a rude awakening if he thinks that their relationship is going to be anything more than transactional.

Overall, the season 2 episode 13 of "Dating #NoFilter" titled "Sugar Daddy" provides a hilarious commentary on the dynamic between a sugar daddy and his sugar baby. The comedians make witty jokes and observations throughout the entire episode, and their commentary adds an extra layer of entertainment to the already entertaining show. If you're looking for a good laugh, this episode is definitely worth your time.

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  • First Aired
    November 18, 2020
  • Language