Daniel Boone Season 2 Episode 12
Daniel Boone
Season 2

Ep 12. The First Beau

  • December 9, 1965

In Daniel Boone season 2 episode 12 titled The First Beau, our hero Daniel Boone finds himself puzzled by a strange mystery. A group of beauty-seeking women arrive in Boonesborough, intending to search for the perfect beau. Though the locals are delighted by the idea at first, Boone doesn't trust their intentions and becomes suspicious of the strange women. Despite his reservations, Boone agrees to help them in their search and we see him conveying the message to the other men.

As the men learn of the women's interest, they become eager to participate in what seems like a harmless competition. Boone is still skeptical, but allows the search to go forward under the condition that he can keep a close eye on everyone.

The women quickly get to work, interviewing male candidates and selecting their favorites. One of the women, Clarissa, starts developing feelings for Boone. He eventually begins to warm up to her as well, but still remains cautious. Meanwhile, the other women are becoming more and more competitive, leading them to try and sabotage each other's efforts.

Boone gradually comes to understand that the women have a more sinister agenda than just finding a beau. They're actually in Boonesborough to lure young men away to a nearby town where they will be forced to work in dangerous mines. As he delves deeper into the mystery with his trusty sidekick Mingo, Boone uncovers the truth and sets out to put an end to the women's plans.

The episode is action-packed, with Boone navigating the difficult terrain of his own feelings while keeping a watchful eye over the town. Throughout the episode, we see Boone's leadership skills come into play as he tries to protect the men of Boonesborough from harm. The conclusion of the episode is a thrilling and suspenseful race against time as Boone tries to save the men who have already been kidnapped while tracking down the kidnappers before they can take any more.

Overall, The First Beau is a gripping and entertaining episode of Daniel Boone, weaving together themes of love, loyalty, and adventure into an exciting story. It's a great example of the show's ability to combine historical drama with thrilling action sequences and relatable human emotions. Fans of the series will not be disappointed by this exciting installment.

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  • First Aired
    December 9, 1965
  • Language