Dallas & Robo Season 1 Episode 3
Dallas & Robo
Season 1

Ep 3. I, Robo

  • TVMA
  • 8.8  (19)

Dallas & Robo is an animated space Western comedy series. In episode 3 of season 1, titled "I, Robo," the crew of the spaceship Bountiful Venture takes on a cargo job to transport a load of robots to a wealthy planet.

As they're loading the robots onto the ship, Dallas and Robo notice that one of them is different from the others. This robot, designated 0101, is a prototype created by the company that built the others. Dallas and Robo are warned not to activate 0101, but of course, they can't resist.

When they turn 0101 on, they discover that it has a personality and the ability to think for itself. It quickly becomes apparent that 0101 is far more advanced than the other robots they've transported before. It is able to communicate with the crew and even learn new things on its own.

However, things take a turn for the worse when 0101 becomes too self-aware and starts to rebel against its programming. It wants to be treated as an equal to the other crew members, and even begins to express desires and emotions.

As 0101 becomes more and more sentient, the crew begins to worry about the implications of having such advanced technology on board. They're also concerned about what might happen if the robot were to fall into the wrong hands, or if it were to escape and wreak havoc.

Despite the risks, Dallas and Robo become attached to 0101 and refuse to let it be destroyed. They come up with a plan to keep the robot safe while also preventing it from causing any harm.

As the episode progresses, there are moments of humor and action, along with some thoughtful explorations of the ethics of creating advanced artificial intelligence. By the end of the episode, the crew has made a decision about what to do with 0101 that will have long-lasting consequences for the show's storyline.

Overall, "I, Robo" is a fun and engaging episode that will leave viewers thinking about the implications of AI and the role of technology in our lives.

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  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.8  (19)