Watch Da Ali G Show
- 2000
- 2 Seasons
8.0 (18,496)
The Da Ali G Show is a groundbreaking television series that aired on the HBO network from 2000 to 2004. The show starred Sacha Baron Cohen as the character Ali G, a wannabe gangster from West Staines who had a passion for rapping and hosting interviews. In the show, Ali G would interview a wide range of guests, including politicians, celebrities, and experts in various fields. The interviews were always done in a humorous and exaggerated manner, with Ali G playing the role of the clueless and often offensive interviewer.
Some of the most memorable moments of the show were the interviews with Donald Trump, Buzz Aldrin, and Noam Chomsky. In the interview with Donald Trump, Ali G tries to pitch him a business idea for a glove that could double as a sandwich holder. The interview with Buzz Aldrin sees Ali G questioning whether the moon landing was a hoax, prompting Aldrin to give him a right hook.
The interviews with Noam Chomsky were also memorable, as Ali G tries to get the intellectual to explain some complex theories in simpler terms, leading to some hilarious exchanges.
In addition to the interviews, the show also featured segments in which Ali G would explore different aspects of American culture, such as attending a rodeo and meeting with a group of feminists. The show also had a segment called "Borat's Guide to America" where Ali G would travel around the country dressed as a stereotypical Kazakhstani man named Borat, interviewing locals in exaggerated accents and asking absurd questions.
The humor of the show was often controversial, with some critics accusing the show of promoting stereotypes and being offensive to certain groups. However, the show also had a large, dedicated following who appreciated Baron Cohen's ability to push the boundaries of what was acceptable on television.
Overall, the Da Ali G Show was a groundbreaking series that pushed the limits of comedy and satire. Baron Cohen's ability to create entertaining and memorable characters, combined with his keen observational skills, made the show a must-watch for fans of comedy and satire. While the show was controversial, it also paved the way for other comedians to explore similar themes and subject matter in their work.