Watch Cybuster
- 1999
- 1 Season
Cybuster is a mecha anime series that originally aired in Japan in 1999. The show tells the story of a group of pilots who are tasked with stopping an evil organization called the Zorbados Empire from taking over the world. The show is set in a future world, where humans have colonized Mars and can now travel to other planets. The Zorbados Empire, however, seeks to undermine humanity's progress and take over the world. To combat them, a group of pilots known as the DC, or Divine Crusaders, are called upon to pilot the experimental mecha called the Cybuster.
The protagonist of the series is a young pilot named Masaki Ando, who is the only one capable of piloting the Cybuster. Masaki is initially reluctant to join the DC, as he has a personal vendetta against them, but ultimately agrees to fight against the Zorbados Empire for the greater good.
The show features a diverse cast of characters, including Masaki's fellow pilots, his high school friends, and members of the Zorbados Empire. Throughout the series, the characters develop and change, and relationships between them evolve.
One of the standout features of the show is the mecha designs. The Cybuster itself is a complex machine, with unique capabilities and a striking appearance. The other mecha in the show are also well-designed and extensively animated, making for some exciting action scenes.
Another element that sets Cybuster apart from other mecha anime is its use of magic. The Cybuster is powered by a mysterious energy source known as "spirit energy," which has ties to ancient magic. As such, the show explores themes of spirituality and mythology, adding another layer to the story.
The animation quality in Cybuster is top-notch, with fluid movement and detailed backgrounds. The show also makes excellent use of color, creating a vibrant and visually striking world.
In terms of pacing, Cybuster balances action, character development, and world-building well. There are plenty of thrilling battles, but these are interspersed with quieter moments that allow the characters to reflect and bond.
Overall, Cybuster is an excellent mecha anime that offers a unique take on the genre. With well-developed characters, stunning animation, and an engaging story, it is sure to delight anime fans of all stripes.
Cybuster is a series that ran for 1 seasons (26 episodes) between May 5, 1999 and on Midnight Pulp