Curveball: The Raddest Sports You've Never Heard Of Season 1 Episode 5

Ep 5. Cirque du Pizza: The Art of Pizza Acrobatics

  • April 7, 2017
  • 2 min

In season 1 episode 5 of Curveball: The Raddest Sports You've Never Heard Of, titled "Cirque du Pizza: The Art of Pizza Acrobatics," viewers are introduced to the exciting and unique sport of pizza acrobatics. Hosted by the enthusiastic and charismatic Jake, the episode takes viewers through the history of pizza acrobatics and the skills needed to excel in the sport.

The episode begins with a visit to a local pizzeria and a demonstration by a pizza acrobat, who shows off his impressive skills of twirling and tossing pizza dough in the air. Jake then travels to the World Pizza Games in Las Vegas, where he meets some of the top pizza acrobats in the world and witnesses their incredible performances.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to interviews with pizza acrobats who share their passion for the sport and the dedication required to perfect their craft. They also explain the different techniques used in pizza acrobatics, such as the spin, the flip, and the stall, which are all used to create visually stunning and entertaining performances.

In addition to showcasing the acrobatic skills of the pizza athletes, the episode also explores the artistic side of pizza acrobatics. Jake visits a pizza-themed circus show, where he witnesses the incredible combination of pizza acrobatics with other circus acts such as juggling and tightrope walking. He also meets with a pizza artist who creates intricate pizza designs using colored sauces and toppings.

Overall, "Cirque du Pizza: The Art of Pizza Acrobatics" is a fun and engaging episode that not only introduces viewers to an exciting new sport but also explores the creative and artistic side of pizza acrobatics. With its enthusiastic host and talented athletes, this episode is sure to leave viewers hungry for more.

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  • First Aired
    April 7, 2017
  • Runtime
    2 min
  • Language