Cupcake & Dino - General Services Season 1 Episode 26

Ep 26. Ice Station Dino

  • July 27, 2018

Cupcake & Dino - General Services is a delightful animated show about a cupcake and a dinosaur who run a general services business. In season 1 episode 26, titled "Ice Station Dino," our intrepid duo finds themselves in a chilly predicament.

The episode begins with Cupcake and Dino cruising around in their truck, trying to come up with their next business venture. They stumble upon a frozen lake, and Dino decides that they should set up an ice skating rink for the local community. Cupcake is skeptical, but Dino insists that it's a great idea.

With a little bit of elbow grease, Cupcake and Dino get to work. They clear the snow off the ice and set up a small concession stand. However, just as they're about to open the rink, they realize that they have a problem- there's nobody around to skate! Cupcake and Dino need customers to make their business a success, so they hatch a plan to drum up some business.

They decide to put up flyers all over town, and soon enough people start showing up to skate. However, there's a catch- Dino has forgotten to bring any skate rentals, so the customers have to bring their own skates. This proves to be a bit of a problem, as most people don't have skates and can't afford to buy them.

Just as things are looking bleak, Cupcake and Dino are approached by a scientist who works at a nearby research station. He tells them that the station has a surplus of ice skates that they'd be willing to lend out to the community. Cupcake and Dino are thrilled and head over to the research station to pick up the skates.

Once they arrive, however, they discover that the station is in chaos. The power has gone out, and all of the scientists are bundled up in blankets, shivering. They explain to Cupcake and Dino that they're having trouble keeping the station warm, and they're afraid that they'll run out of fuel soon.

Cupcake and Dino offer to help, and they get to work figuring out what's causing the power outage. They discover that the generator has frozen over and needs to be thawed out. However, the only way to do that is to leave the station and find a warmer place to defrost it.

Cupcake and Dino take on the challenge and set out into the cold. They have a few missteps along the way, but eventually they find a hot spring that they can use to thaw out the generator. With the power restored, the research station is once again warm and functional.

As a thank you for their help, the scientists let Cupcake and Dino borrow a special jet that can fly through the air without wings. Cupcake is hesitant, but Dino convinces her to try it out. They take off into the sky and have a blast zooming through the clouds.

At the end of the episode, Cupcake and Dino return home, tired but happy. They sit down to enjoy some hot chocolate and reflect on their day. Cupcake admits that she was scared at first, but she's glad that they were able to help out the scientists and save the day. Dino agrees, and the two friends toast to their next adventure.

Overall, "Ice Station Dino" is a heartwarming episode that showcases the power of friendship and problem-solving. Cupcake and Dino may be small, but they're mighty, and they're always willing to lend a helping hand. It's a great episode for kids and adults alike, and it's sure to leave viewers feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

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  • First Aired
    July 27, 2018
  • Language