Cunning Single Lady is a South Korean romantic comedy television series that aired on MBC from February to April 2014. The show revolves around Na Ae-ra, a strong-willed and cunning woman who was once married to a successful businessman named Cha Jung-woo, but they divorced due to financial struggles. However, after five years of living separately, Ae-ra starts to feel regretful of her decision as Jung-woo becomes a successful entrepreneur, and she decides to win him back.
The lead actress, Lee Min-jung, portrays Na Ae-ra, who is initially introduced as a quirky, energetic, and determined character. Despite facing several failures in her career, she has never once given up her dreams and is always trying to find ways to succeed. She also has a tendency to manipulate situations to her advantage, which is the trait that earned her the nickname "Cunning Single Lady."
The lead actor, Joo Sang-wook, plays Cha Jung-woo, a smart and successful businessman who started his own company after their divorce. He is a complete opposite of Ae-ra, as he is calm and collected, and has a strong work ethic. However, he still holds feelings for his ex-wife, but is hesitant to rekindle their relationship due to their past.
Kim Gyu-ri plays the role of the ambitious and confident Gook Yeo-jin, who works at Jung-woo's company and is romantically interested in him. She is often in competition with Ae-ra for Jung-woo's affection, and the two women frequently engage in petty fights.
Seo Kang-jun portrays the character of Kook Seung-hyun, who is Jung-woo's secretary and a close confidant. He is somewhat of a mediator between Ae-ra and Jung-woo, often trying to get them to reconcile. He is also secretly in love with Yeo-jin, but is too shy to confess his feelings.
The plot is centered around Ae-ra's efforts to win back Jung-woo, but it also highlights the story of their past and how their relationship gradually deteriorated due to financial struggles. As the series progresses, Ae-ra devises several plans to get closer to Jung-woo, but they often backfire, making Yeo-jin take advantage of the situation.
The show addresses themes such as love, forgiveness, and second chances. It also highlights the importance of having a strong support system and working towards achieving your goals even when things seem impossible. Moreover, it showcases the dynamics of workplace relationships and the drama that often ensues in such environments.
The chemistry between Lee Min-jung and Joo Sang-wook is a highlight of the show, and their comedic timing is spot on. They portray their characters with ease, making it easy for viewers to root for them to get back together. The supporting cast also provides a good balance, with Kim Gyu-ri, in particular, delivering a standout performance.
Overall, Cunning Single Lady is an enjoyable romantic comedy that is both heartwarming and funny. It has a perfect blend of romance, humor, and drama that will keep viewers hooked until the end. The show's portrayal of relationships and career struggles is relatable and realistic, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Cunning Single Lady is a series that ran for 1 seasons (16 episodes) between February 27, 2014 and on MBC
CastLee Min-jungJoo Sang-wookKim Gyu-riSeo Kang-jun
Premiere DateFebruary 27, 2014
IMDB Rating7.5 (1,098)
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