Crime Investigation Australia Season 3 Episode 7

Ep 7. Episode 7

  • July 20, 2009
  • 50 min

Crime Investigation Australia season 3 episode 7, titled "Episode 7," is a heart-wrenching tale of terror and tragedy that took place in the quiet, picturesque town of Lockhart, New South Wales. The episode investigates the 2014 case of the shocking murders of a mother and daughter, Allison and Kaylene Anderson, in their home by John Wallace Edwards.

The episode dives deep into the background of the victims, Allison and Kaylene Anderson, to reveal the intimate details of their lives before the heinous crime was committed. Through interviews with their family members, friends, and neighbors, the episode paints a vivid picture of their joyful personalities and the vibrant love that they shared with each other and those around them.

The episode then delves into the investigation carried out by the New South Wales police force in the immediate aftermath of the crime. Through interviews with the investigators, forensic scientists, and other experts, the episode reveals the complex process of piecing together the clues left behind by the killer in the murder scene.

The episode highlights the hurdles faced by the investigators in finding a motive for the brutal murders and identifying the suspect. The episode also sheds light on the motivations and psychological makeup of the killer, John Wallace Edwards, a former cattle farmer and a distant relative of the victims.

Through interviews with the prosecutors, defense lawyers, and experts, the episode then walks through the legal proceedings and the trial of John Edwards. The episode provides a glimpse of the strategies employed by the prosecution and the defense in presenting their cases and arguing for their respective sides.

The episode also explores the impact of the murders on the town of Lockhart and Australia as a whole. Through interviews with community members, the episode portrays the sense of loss and grief felt by the townspeople and the wider Australian public.

In its final moments, the episode provides a sobering reflection on the tragic events that occurred in Lockhart and the devastating consequence that they had on the lives of the people involved. The episode emphasizes the importance of diligence and thoroughness in police investigations and justice in ensuring that such heinous crimes do not go unpunished.

Crime Investigation Australia season 3 episode 7, "Episode 7," is a gripping and emotional journey that stays with its viewers long after the episode's credits roll. The episode skillfully portrays the intricate details of the case while highlighting the human aspect of the tragedy and the impact it had on those involved.

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  • First Aired
    July 20, 2009
  • Runtime
    50 min
  • Language