Crash & Bernstein is a live-action sitcom that aired on Disney XD from 2012 to 2014. The show follows Wyatt Bernstein, a 12-year-old boy who dreams of having a brother but instead has three sisters. He decides to make a puppet brother named Crash, who comes to life and causes chaos in their household.
The show's main character, Wyatt Bernstein (played by Cole Jensen), is a creative and imaginative boy who wants nothing more than to have a brother to play with. His father, Mel (played by William Brent), is a widowed father of four who struggles to keep up with his kids while working from home as a toy inventor. Together with his mother's help, Wyatt creates a puppet named Crash out of spare parts from his father's toy factory. Much to his surprise, Crash magically comes to life, becoming not just his brother but also his best friend.
Crash, voiced by Tim Lagasse, is a wild and outrageous puppet who is always getting Wyatt into wacky hijinks. Crash is loud and fearless, always looking for the next adventure, and often getting them into trouble with his mischievous antics. He challenges Wyatt to be more daring and helps him come out of his shell.
The other members of the Bernstein family include Wyatt's three sisters, Amanda (Landry Bender), Cleo (Mckenna Grace), and Jasmine (Oana Gregory). Amanda, the oldest, is a fashion-conscious teenager who is often seen talking on her cellphone or putting on makeup. Cleo is a young prodigy who often outsmarts the adults in the room, while Jasmine is the youngest and most innocent of the siblings. They all have their own unique personalities and relationships with Wyatt and Crash.
The show also features some recurring characters, including Wyatt's best friend Pesto (Danny Woodburn), a quirky and smart boy who is constantly inventing new gadgets, and Mel's friend and confidante, Mr. Green (Richard Ruccolo), who is the head of the toy factory where Mel works. There is also Wyatt's school principal, Mr. LaFontaine (Karl T. Wright), who is always on the lookout for troublemakers.
Throughout the show, Wyatt and Crash navigate everyday life together, from school and family life to making new friends and dealing with bullies. Wyatt learns to stand up for himself and become more confident, while Crash teaches him important life lessons about friendship, loyalty, and being true to oneself.
The show has a fun and energetic tone, with lots of physical comedy and silly, over-the-top situations. It also has heart, with touching moments between the characters and themes of family and growing up. The show was well-received by audiences and critics alike, praised for its humor and strong performances from the cast.
Overall, Crash & Bernstein is an entertaining and enjoyable show that will appeal to kids and adults alike. It has a positive message about the importance of family and friendship, while also being full of laughs and zany adventures.
Crash & Bernstein is a series that ran for 2 seasons (39 episodes) between October 8, 2012 and on Disney XD
Premiere DateOctober 8, 2012
IMDB Rating5.2 (928)
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