Cosmic Disclosure Season 7 Episode 9

Ep 9. Corroborating the Evidence with Michael Salla

  • February 1, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure season 7, episode 9 titled "Corroborating the Evidence with Michael Salla" delves deep into the world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial civilizations. Join host Corey Goode as he explores the rediscovery of hidden technology and the fascinating revelations that emerge from these encounters.

In this episode, Corey sits down with Dr. Michael Salla, a renowned researcher and expert in the field of exopolitics. Together, they discuss the importance of corroborating evidence and its impact on the believability of whistleblower testimonies.

As the conversation unfolds, Dr. Salla brings forth his expert analysis of various accounts from former insiders and whistle blowers who have come forward to reveal their experiences with secret space programs. He explains the significance of connecting these testimonies with external evidence to establish a more comprehensive understanding of the hidden realities that lie beyond our Earthly boundaries.

Corey and Dr. Salla delve into the intricate details of these testimonies, examining the consistency and validity of the information shared by multiple insiders. They explore the challenges and obstacles faced by those who are brave enough to disclose their involvement in covert space programs, shedding light on the risks and repercussions faced by these individuals.

Furthermore, the conversation takes an intriguing turn as Corey and Dr. Salla explore the idea of disinformation and the deliberate efforts made by certain factions to muddy the waters of truth. They discuss the methods employed to create confusion and doubt, hindering the discernment of the public.

Throughout the episode, Corey shares his own experiences as a whistleblower and the ongoing challenges he faces when corroborating his story with other insiders. He reveals the difficulties encountered when attempting to present a cohesive narrative that aligns with the testimonies of fellow participants in secret space programs.

As the discussion progresses, Corey and Dr. Salla explore the implications of the secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial technology and the potential impact it could have on humanity. They address the ethical considerations of withholding advanced knowledge of healing modalities, anti-gravity propulsion systems, and free energy technology.

Finally, the episode concludes with both Corey and Dr. Salla emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture of disclosure and open-mindedness. They advocate for creating platforms where insiders and whistleblowers feel safe to come forward with their stories, ultimately leading to a broader understanding of our cosmic reality.

"Corroborating the Evidence with Michael Salla" is a thought-provoking and riveting episode of Cosmic Disclosure that challenges the audience to question the boundaries of our known reality. Through the expert analysis provided by Dr. Salla and Corey Goode's personal experiences, viewers are invited to peer into the hidden realms of secret space programs and the tantalizing possibilities they present. Join Corey and Dr. Salla on this eye-opening journey as they shed light on the veracity of whistleblower testimonies and their impact on humanity's perception of extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

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  • First Aired
    February 1, 2017
  • Language