Cosmic Disclosure Season 7 Episode 4

Ep 4. Law of One and the SSPs: Consequences of Channeling

  • January 1, 2017

In Cosmic Disclosure season 7 episode 4, titled "Law of One and the SSPs: Consequences of Channeling", host David Wilcock and whistleblower Corey Goode delve into the consequences of channeling and communication with otherworldly beings.

The Law of One, a philosophy that explores the spiritual oneness of all individuals, is discussed as a framework for understanding the nature of communication with extraterrestrial beings. This philosophy is contrasted with the beliefs of certain space programs, such as the Secret Space Program (SSP), which view ETs as potential enemies to be fought.

Goode recounts his own experiences with channeling and describes how his SSP superiors reacted with fear and suspicion to his revelations. He discusses the potential dangers of inadvertently channeling negative entities and the importance of discernment when communicating with otherworldly beings.

Wilcock and Goode explore the potential consequences of channeling on a personal and societal level, including the impact on one's mental and emotional well-being and the potential for destabilizing one's relationships and livelihood. They also discuss potential consequences for humanity as a whole, including the possibility of inadvertently inviting negative entities to Earth.

Overall, "Law of One and the SSPs: Consequences of Channeling" offers a thought-provoking exploration of the implications of contact with extraterrestrial beings and the importance of discernment and caution when engaging in communication with the unknown.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 2017
  • Language