Cosmic Disclosure Season 7 Episode 21

Ep 21. Boyd Bushman'sDeathbed Testimonial

  • May 1, 2017

Boyd Bushman was a highly respected scientist who worked for Lockheed Martin, and towards the latter part of his life, he made some remarkable claims about his work on reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. He claimed that not only did he work on back-engineering flying saucer technology, but he was also privy to meeting and interacting with alien beings. As a scientist, Boyd also made precise measurements and recorded many of his experiments, which make his claims all the more intriguing.

The episode, Boyd Bushman's Deathbed Testimonial, explores his life's work, revealing his impressive accomplishments. Boyd's reputation as a scientist and inventor allowed him access to some of the most cutting-edge technology; he was also one of the first researchers to use high-energy lasers and worked on developing a plasma shockwave generator. Boyd's Deathbed Testimonial poses an interesting question: if Boyd was lying, why would he choose to make up stories about alien encounters at the end of his life? Boyd died shortly after videoing his Deathbed Testimonial, leaving many unanswered questions.

The episode delves into the controversy surrounding Boyd's testimonial, examining skeptics' criticisms and discussing the scientific and technological advancements that Boyd made independently of his alien encounters. It is fitting that his Deathbed Testimonial video acts as the catalyst for discussions about science, technology, and the possibility of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. The episode is not a "true believer" episode that pushes the notion that aliens have landed, rather it is a balanced examination of Boyd's life and his claims, providing viewers with information necessary to make up their minds. The intricacies of Boyd's personal life, his upbringing and work history are revealed, adding detail to the picture the viewer has of the man.

Overall, Cosmic Disclosure season 7 episode 21, Boyd Bushman's Deathbed Testimonial, is an intriguing episode that explores the life and work of Boyd Bushman while examining his claims of alien encounters and extraterrestrial technology. The episode is composed of interviews with those who knew Boyd, technology experts who verify his claims, and skeptics who voice their skepticism. The episode is well worth watching for those with an interest in technology, science, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

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  • First Aired
    May 1, 2017
  • Language