Cosmic Disclosure Season 7 Episode 18

Ep 18. Revealing the Original Secret Space Vehicles with Mark McCandlish

  • May 1, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure season 7 episode 18, "Revealing the Original Secret Space Vehicles with Mark McCandlish" is a fascinating exploration of some of the most incredible technology possessed by secret government agencies. This episode sees the eminent aerospace engineer and artist, Mark McCandlish, discussing the early years of his career designing advanced aerospace craft.

McCandlish is a fascinating character and brings a unique perspective to the conversation. Throughout his career, he has worked for some of the most prestigious aviation companies in the world and has had top secret clearance for most of his adult life. He has spent countless hours designing and building what he calls 'electrogravitic propulsion systems,' which are essentially anti-gravity engines that can propel spacecraft through the cosmos.

During the episode, Mark takes David Wilcock on a tour of his studio and shows him some of his past work, which includes models of some of the most incredible spacecraft ever built. He explains the underlying principles that made these crafts possible, including the use of high voltage, electromagnetic fields, and other science that is decades ahead of what is known to the public.

He also describes some of the incredible experiences he had while working on these top-secret projects. Mark claims to have witnessed manned test flights of advanced aircraft capable of travelling at speeds that are simply inconceivable using conventional propulsion systems. He also talks about how he made contact with extraterrestrial beings who wanted to share advanced technology with the US government.

This episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in the secrets of the universe. The insights and experiences shared by McCandlish provide an incredible glimpse into the workings of the US military-industrial complex and the incredible feats that can be achieved when you have access to limitless resources and cutting-edge technology.

The show is a perfect blend of science, science fiction, and spirituality that will leave viewers questioning the nature of reality itself. It's a thrilling ride from start to finish, filled with mind-bending revelations and new insights into the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether you're a UFO enthusiast or just someone who loves good storytelling, Cosmic Disclosure season 7 episode 18, "Revealing the Original Secret Space Vehicles with Mark McCandlish" is an absolute must-see.

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  • First Aired
    May 1, 2017
  • Language