Cosmic Disclosure Season 7 Episode 16

Ep 16. Astral Projection and Our Place in the Universe with William Tompkins

  • May 15, 2017

In season 7 episode 16 of Cosmic Disclosure, viewers are taken on a journey through the astral realm and our place in the universe with none other than William Tompkins. A former aerospace engineer, Tompkins uses his knowledge and experience to delve into the topic of astral projection and the role it plays in understanding the cosmos.

Throughout the episode, Tompkins explains the concept of astral projection, which, in simple terms, is the ability to leave one's physical body and travel through the astral realm. He goes on to describe how this ability can be used to explore the universe, and gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Tompkins provides insight into how astral projection can be used to access different dimensions and interact with beings from other worlds and galaxies. He explains how advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have used this ability for millennia, and how it has played a vital role in their technological and spiritual evolution.

The episode also touches on the topic of consciousness, and how it plays a crucial role in our ability to astral project. Tompkins describes how our current understanding of consciousness is still in its infancy, and how the ability to access different states of consciousness is key to unlocking the full potential of the human mind.

Throughout the episode, Tompkins emphasizes the importance of understanding our place in the universe. He explains how our planet is just one small piece of a much larger cosmic puzzle, and how we must look beyond our current understanding of reality to truly grasp the bigger picture.

Overall, season 7 episode 16 of Cosmic Disclosure is a thought-provoking exploration of the astral realm and our place in the universe. Through the insights of William Tompkins, viewers are encouraged to expand their understanding of consciousness, explore the universe through astral projection, and open their minds to the infinite possibilities of the cosmos.

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  • First Aired
    May 15, 2017
  • Language