Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen Season 9 Episode 25

Ep 25. Dean Edwards, Ralph Harris, Leslie Jones, Roy Wood Jr.

  • October 17, 2014

Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen season 9 episode 25 features a lineup of incredibly hilarious comedians including Dean Edwards, Ralph Harris, Leslie Jones, and Roy Wood Jr. Throughout the course of the episode, viewers are treated to a side-splitting hour of comedy as each comedian brings their own unique perspective and personality to the stage.

With his signature energy and undeniable talent for impressions, Dean Edwards kicks off the show with a bang. Whether he's impersonating famous rappers or poking fun at his own upbringing, Edwards keeps the laughs coming nonstop with his quick wit and infectious personality.

Ralph Harris is up next, and he immediately sets the tone with his relatable humor and laid-back style. From stories about his family to observations about everyday life, Harris has a way of making even the most mundane topics hilarious and entertaining.

Then, Leslie Jones takes the stage with her dynamic energy and unapologetic humor. As one of the most recognizable names in comedy today, Jones brings her A-game to the show with her fearless approach to tackling sensitive topics and telling it like it is.

Finally, Roy Wood Jr. wraps things up with his unique brand of storytelling and observational humor. With a background in radio and a talent for weaving together witty anecdotes and clever punchlines, Wood Jr. is a true master of his craft.

Overall, Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen season 9 episode 25 is a must-watch for anyone who loves comedy. With an all-star lineup of talented comedians and plenty of laughs to go around, this episode is sure to leave viewers with sore cheeks and a full heart.

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  • First Aired
    October 17, 2014
  • Language