Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen Season 9 Episode 24

Ep 24. Dean Edwards, Ralph Harris, Leslie Jones, Roy Wood Jr.

  • October 16, 2014

In season 9, episode 24 of Comics Unleashed with Byron Allen, viewers are treated to a hilarious and unforgettable lineup of comedians. The episode features Dean Edwards, Ralph Harris, Leslie Jones, and Roy Wood Jr., all of whom bring their unique brands of humor and wit to the table.

The show kicks off with Dean Edwards, a seasoned comedian with a quick wit and infectious energy. He regales the audience with stories about his life growing up in New York City, and his experiences as a father and husband. His jokes range from silly and irreverent to poignant and introspective, and his infectious laughter has the whole audience in stitches.

Next up is Ralph Harris, a veteran comedian and actor whose career has spanned over three decades. He brings his signature style of observational humor to the stage, riffing on everything from pop culture to politics. His jokes are relatable, witty, and often laced with a touch of social commentary.

Leslie Jones, the next comedian to take the stage, is a force to be reckoned with. Known for her infectious personality and raunchy humor, she leaves nothing off the table as she delves into topics ranging from sexuality to race relations to body image. Her jokes are bold, fearless, and absolutely hysterical.

Last but not least is Roy Wood Jr., a comedian and radio personality who has made waves in the world of stand-up comedy. He brings his sharp observational skills to the stage, poking fun at everything from the news to everyday life. His humor is intelligent, thought-provoking, and often surprisingly poignant.

Throughout the episode, Byron Allen serves as the perfect host, seamlessly guiding the conversation and eliciting laughter from both the comedians themselves and the audience at large. The chemistry between him and the comedians is palpable, and it's clear that they are all comfortable and relaxed in each other's company.

Overall, season 9, episode 24 of Comics Unleashed with Byron Allen is a hilarious and unforgettable experience. From Dean Edwards' infectious laughter to Leslie Jones' fearless humor, it offers something for every type of comedy fan. Whether you're looking for lighthearted laughs or biting social commentary, this episode is sure to deliver.

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  • First Aired
    October 16, 2014
  • Language