Coach Season 3 Episode 13
Season 3

Ep 13. Dauber Graduates

  • January 8, 1991
  • 8.1  (48)

In the Coach season 3 episode 13 titled "Dauber Graduates," the beloved television sitcom brings us another hilarious and heartwarming installment. Set against the backdrop of a university campus, Coach Hayden Fox and his irreverent assistant coach Michael "Dauber" Dybinski face another series of comical mishaps and personal triumphs.

As the episode begins, Dauber is anxiously preparing for his upcoming graduation. Having spent years under Coach Fox's tutelage, he is now ready to move on from the football team and begin a new chapter in his life. This bittersweet occasion brings a mix of emotions for both Dauber and Coach Fox, who have formed a close mentor-apprentice relationship throughout their time together.

While Dauber's graduation is the central focus of the episode, the narrative takes us on several entertaining subplots. One such storyline revolves around Luther Van Dam, the team's bumbling and eccentric assistant coach. Luther, played by Jerry Van Dyke, has always struggled with academic pursuits. However, when he decides to enroll in a chemistry course to prove himself, hilarity ensues as he finds himself in over his head.

Meanwhile, Christine Armstrong, the charming and no-nonsense reporter, finds herself caught in a romantic entanglement. Torn between her affection for two different men, she faces a difficult decision that could impact her personal and professional life. The episode skillfully delves into the complexities of love and loyalty, as Christine grapples with the consequences of her choices.

As the graduation ceremony approaches, Dauber's excitement mingles with a sense of apprehension. He reflects on his personal growth over the years, recalling the challenges he has faced and the life lessons learned from Coach Fox. The bond between these two central characters shines through as they share tender moments that highlight their genuine care for one another.

In classic Coach fashion, the episode is replete with football-related antics and comedic moments. The university football team faces a crucial game, which holds significant importance for Coach Fox, Dauber, and the rest of the team. Their dedication and determination are put to the test as they strive for victory on the field.

Amidst the laughter and lightheartedness, "Dauber Graduates" also tackles deeper themes such as growth, change, and the transformative power of education. It explores the universal experience of graduating and moving on, capturing the mixture of excitement and apprehension that often accompanies this milestone event.

The talented ensemble cast brings each character to life with their impeccable comedic timing and nuanced performances. Craig T. Nelson shines as the amiable yet steadfast Coach Hayden Fox, while his interactions with Bill Fagerbakke's endearing and goofy Dauber provide many of the episode's most memorable moments.

Overall, "Dauber Graduates" is a delightful installment of Coach that encapsulates the show's unique blend of comedy, heart, and relatable storytelling. Whether you're a fan of the series or new to the world created by creator Barry Kemp, this episode promises an entertaining and heartwarming viewing experience. As Dauber takes the leap into the next phase of his life, viewers of all ages will find something to relate to and cheer for in this truly engaging episode.

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  • First Aired
    January 8, 1991
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.1  (48)