Watch Close Enough
- 2020
- 3 Seasons
7.8 (13,597)
Close Enough is a comedic animated television series created by J.G. Quintel. The series follows the lives of Josh (voiced by Quintel) and Emily (voiced by Gabrielle Walsh), a young married couple with a five-year-old daughter named Candice. They live in a cramped apartment with their friends, Alex (voiced by Jason Mantzoukas) and Bridgette (voiced by Kimiko Glenn).
The show centers around the daily struggles of navigating young adulthood and parenthood in the modern age. It explores themes such as work-life balance, relationship struggles, and the challenges of raising a child. Over the course of the series, the characters encounter a variety of absurd situations, ranging from supernatural events to mundane tasks like grocery shopping.
The humor of Close Enough is driven by its witty writing and pop culture references. The show frequently features parodies of popular movies and TV shows, as well as references to video games and internet memes. This helps to keep the show feeling fresh and relevant to a millennial audience.
One of the most unique aspects of Close Enough is its animation style. The series utilizes a blend of traditional hand-drawn animation and computer-generated imagery (CGI). This creates a distinctive look that sets the show apart from other animated series on television. The animation style also allows the creators to experiment with different visual gags, such as split-screen sequences and dream-like transitions.
Another strength of the series is its core cast of voice actors. J.G. Quintel, best known for his work on the popular series Regular Show, brings his trademark humor to the role of Josh. Gabrielle Walsh provides a strong performance as Emily, balancing the character's parental instincts with her desire for a fulfilling career. Jason Mantzoukas, known for his comedic work on shows like Parks and Recreation and The Good Place, is perfectly cast as Alex, the group's resident slacker.
Throughout the series, the characters face a variety of challenges both small and large. From dealing with an overbearing boss at work to trying to throw the perfect birthday party for their daughter, Josh and Emily constantly find themselves in stressful situations. However, the show also explores the deeper emotional struggles that come with parenthood, such as feeling inadequate as a parent or struggling to connect with a child who seems to be growing up too quickly.
Despite the often-outlandish scenarios the characters find themselves in, the heart of the show lies in its portrayal of the relationships between the core cast. The friendship between Josh and Alex is a particular highlight, as they navigate the ups and downs of their friendship while trying to support each other through the challenges of adulthood. The show also does an excellent job of portraying the ups and downs of Josh and Emily's marriage, highlighting the importance of communication and compromise in any relationship.
In conclusion, Close Enough is a well-written and excellently animated series that explores the challenges of modern adulthood and parenthood with humor and heart. The show's unique blend of animation styles and pop culture references make it stand out from other animated series on television, while its core cast of voice actors deliver strong performances that keep the characters grounded in reality. Whether you're a young adult just starting out on your own or a parent struggling to balance work and family, Close Enough is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys witty, relatable humor.
Close Enough is a series that ran for 3 seasons (39 episodes) between July 9, 2020 and on HBO Max