Ep 5. The Trial of a Time Lord: Part 5
- October 4, 1986
- 24 min
The Trial of a Time Lord is the season-long storyline of Classic Doctor Who's 23rd season, and episode 5 is appropriately titled The Trial of a Time Lord: Part 5. Throughout the season, the Doctor has been on trial by the Time Lords for unknown reasons, and in this episode, we find out more about what's really going on.
The episode opens with the Doctor still on trial, and his defense is provided by the mysterious character known only as the Valeyard. The Valeyard is supposed to be representing the Doctor's interests, but there's something off about him that makes the Doctor and his companions suspicious. As the trial continues, the Doctor and the Valeyard argue about the validity of some key pieces of evidence, and the tension between them only increases.
Meanwhile, the inquisitor overseeing the trial is becoming increasingly frustrated with the Doctor's antics. She's convinced that he's guilty of whatever he's being accused of, and she's not interested in hearing any more defense arguments. But as the Doctor continues to protest his innocence, his companions start to piece together some of the clues that might actually prove he's telling the truth.
As the episode progresses, we see flashbacks to some of the Doctor's past adventures, including scenes with past companions and villains. These memories are presented as evidence in the trial, and they shed light on the Doctor's personality and motivations. But they also serve to increase the tension between the Doctor and the inquisitor, who sees his actions as reckless and dangerous.
The climax of the episode comes when the Doctor is given a chance to explore some of the evidence against him more closely. He and his companions discover a plot by the Valeyard that has far-reaching consequences for the Time Lords themselves. With this knowledge in hand, the Doctor sets out to prove his innocence once and for all, and to expose the true culprit behind the charges against him.
Overall, The Trial of a Time Lord: Part 5 is a tense and dramatic episode that moves the season-long storyline forward in exciting ways. It's filled with twists and turns that keep the audience guessing, and it offers plenty of exciting action and character moments as well. Fans of Classic Doctor Who are sure to be on the edge of their seats as the Doctor fights to clear his name and reveal the truth behind the conspiracy against him.