Ep 18. The Monster of Peladon: Part 4
- April 13, 1974
- 24 min
The Monster of Peladon: Part 4 is the eighteenth and final episode of the eleventh season of the classic Doctor Who series. The story is set on the planet Peladon, where the Doctor and his companion Sarah Jane Smith have landed. Peladon is a planet that is rich in minerals, and the Galactic Federation is keen on exploiting its resources.
In this episode, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith are caught up in a rebellion on the planet Peladon between the miners and the miners' leaders. The miners believe that they are being exploited by the Federation and have organized a rebellion against them. The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith are initially caught up in the rebellion, but soon find themselves allied with King Peladon, who is keen on establishing a peace treaty with the Federation.
Amidst negotiations between King Peladon and the Federation, a monster starts attacking the palace. The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith begin to suspect that the monster is not as it seems, and they set out to investigate. Meanwhile, the miners continue their rebellion and launch an attack on the palace.
The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith begin to unravel the mystery of the monster and discover that it is a robot. They also discover that the robot was created by Eckersley, the Federation's representative on Peladon. Eckersley had created the robot to incite fear among the Peladonians and to justify the Federation's exploitation of the planet. The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith must put a stop to Eckersley's plans and prevent him from starting a war.
In the midst of the chaos, King Peladon is killed, and the Doctor is forced to take on the role of negotiator. The Doctor is able to negotiate a peace treaty between the Federation and the Peladonians, bringing an end to the rebellion.
The episode ends with the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith bidding farewell to the Peladonians and setting off on their next adventure. The Monster of Peladon: Part 4 is a fitting conclusion to the eleventh season of Doctor Who, with a satisfying resolution to the conflict on Peladon and a glimpse of the Doctor's keen negotiating skills.