City Homicide was an Australian police-procedural television show that aired from 2007 until 2011, produced by Endemol. The show revolved around a team of elite homicide detectives from the Melbourne police department. Set in the city streets of Melbourne, the team was tasked with solving the most complex and gruesome murders the city had ever seen.
The show featured a star-studded cast of experienced actors, with Shane Bourne and Noni Hazlehurst leading the way. Bourne played the role of Senior Detective Stanley Wolfe, the charming and sometimes ruthless leader of the team. Hazlehurst, on the other hand, played Detective Superintendent Bernice Waverley, the hard-working and no-nonsense head of the homicide division. Other notable members of the cast included Damien Richardson as Senior Detective Simon Joyner, Nadine Garner as Detective Senior Constable Jennifer Mapplethorpe, Aaron Pedersen as Detective Senior Constable Duncan Freeman and Daniel MacPherson as Detective Senior Constable Simon Joyner.
Throughout its five seasons, City Homicide tackled a range of controversial and sensitive topics, from domestic abuse, child abduction, and gang-related violence to drug trafficking and organized crime. Each episode focused on a specific murder case, often with surprising twists and turns that kept audiences engaged and guessing until the very end.
One of the standout features of the show was its attention to detail in depicting the police procedural aspect of investigating a homicide. Viewers were taken through each step of an investigation, from the initial crime scene investigation to the forensic analysis of evidence, to interviewing witnesses and suspects. This made the show both educational and highly entertaining, as audiences got a glimpse into the inner workings of the criminal justice system.
Another notable aspect of City Homicide was its excellent writing and acting. The show's writers did an excellent job of creating compelling storylines that were both entertaining and thought-provoking. The actors, too, delivered exceptional performances, with each member of the cast bringing their unique talents and personalities to their respective character. From Bourne's witty one-liners to Hazlehurst's no-nonsense demeanor, each actor added to the show's overall appeal.
Furthermore, the show's production design was impressive, with scenes shot in iconic Melbourne locations that gave the impression of a gritty, urban crime thriller. The use of handheld cameras and shaky-cam techniques added to the show's realistic and gritty feel, making for an engaging viewing experience.
In conclusion, City Homicide was a highly entertaining and engaging police procedural that tackled sensitive and controversial topics while delivering a thrilling and intriguing plot. The show's talented cast breathed life into its flawed and at times vulnerable characters, making them feel real and relatable. Despite ending its run back in 2011, it remains a great example of Australian-made television at its best.
City Homicide is a series that ran for 5 seasons (84 episodes) between August 27, 2007 and on Endemol
CastShane BourneDamien RichardsonNadine GarnerAaron PedersenDaniel MacPherson
Premiere DateAugust 27, 2007
IMDB Rating7.5 (1,818)
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