Citizen Khan Season 5 Episode 1
Citizen Khan
Season 5

Ep 1. Cricket

  • November 4, 2016
  • 27 min
  • 6.5  (25)

Citizen Khan season 5 episode 1 titled "Cricket" is a classic episode where the Khan family takes on a completely different sport than the one they are used to playing. The episode starts with Mr. Khan (Adil Ray) and the family attending a cricket match where they witness their team losing miserably.

Mr. Khan, being the sports enthusiast he is, goes to meet the coach (Liam Williams) to offer him some advice. However, his advice falls on deaf ears, and the coach continues to do things his way. This prompts Mr. Khan to take matters into his own hands and offer his help as the new coach, much to the dismay of the previous coach.

As the new coach, Mr. Khan is determined to lead the team to victory, but his lack of knowledge about cricket is soon exposed, and the team's fortunes take a turn for the worse. The team becomes a laughing stock, and Mr. Khan's reputations as a "sportsman" are tarnished. Desperate to prove himself, Mr. Khan sets about trying to learn all he can about the game.

The episode is full of hilarious moments as Mr. Khan tries to get the hang of the game. His attempts at bowling and batting are a source of much amusement for the team and the audience alike. Meanwhile, the other members of the family get involved in their own ways. Mrs. Khan (Shobu Kapoor) tries to replicate her success in the kitchen on the cricket field by offering the team some spicy snacks. Amjad (Abdullah Afzal) and Shazia (Krishna Istha) try to coach the team in their own unique ways, with varying levels of success.

As the big match approaches, tensions are high, and Mr. Khan is more determined than ever to lead the team to victory. However, things don't go according to plan, and the team finds themselves on the back foot yet again. In the end, it is up to Mr. Khan to save the day, but can he pull it off?

Overall, Citizen Khan season 5 episode 1 "Cricket" is a fun-filled episode that will leave you in stitches. The humor is light-hearted and the performances are spot on. It's a great start to the new season of the show and a must-watch for fans.

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  • First Aired
    November 4, 2016
  • Runtime
    27 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.5  (25)