Citizen Khan Season 4 Episode 6
Citizen Khan
Season 4

Ep 6. Alia's Boyfriend

  • December 11, 2015
  • 28 min
  •   (19)

In the season 4 episode 6 of Citizen Khan, titled "Alia's Boyfriend", Mr. Khan becomes concerned when he discovers that his daughter Alia has a new boyfriend. He is worried about his daughter mixing with the wrong crowd and insists on meeting the young man to assess whether he is suitable for his daughter.

Meanwhile, Amjad and Shazia are also concerned about their daughter's new boyfriend and decide to invite him over for dinner so they can get to know him better. However, they soon realize that they have invited the wrong person when an Indian man named Arvind turns up instead.

As Mr. Khan attempts to investigate Alia's boyfriend, he discovers that his wife, Mrs. Khan, has also been keeping a secret from him. She is working as a cleaner in a local gym and has a crush on one of the fitness instructors. Mr. Khan is not happy about this and forbids her from seeing the instructor again.

As the evening progresses, things take a surprising turn when Alia's boyfriend arrives at the Khans' house and Mr. Khan is shocked to discover who he is. This leads to him having to make a difficult decision about his daughter's future.

Throughout the episode, there are plenty of laughs as the Khans navigate cultural differences, misunderstandings and their own family drama. It is an entertaining and light-hearted take on the challenges of modern family life and the pressures of strict cultural expectations.

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  • First Aired
    December 11, 2015
  • Runtime
    28 min
  • Language