Citizen Khan Season 4 Episode 5
Citizen Khan
Season 4

Ep 5. Mystic Mo

  • December 4, 2015
  • 28 min
  •   (19)

Citizen Khan is a British comedy television series that follows the life of a British Pakistani family living in Birmingham. The show centers around Mr. Khan, a self-appointed community leader who often finds himself getting into comedic situations due to his overbearing and sometimes misguided nature.

In season 4 episode 5, titled "Mystic Mo," Mr. Khan's daughter, Shazia, receives a flyer for a psychic reading session with a man named Mystic Mo. Initially skeptical, Mr. Khan becomes increasingly curious about Mystic Mo's abilities after attending the session with his family.

As the episode progresses, Mr. Khan's belief in Mystic Mo's psychic abilities grows, leading him to take drastic actions in an attempt to improve his own future. Meanwhile, his wife, Mrs. Khan, is dealing with her own struggles as she attempts to balance her job as a school nurse with caring for her mother and dealing with a troublesome student.

As with all episodes of Citizen Khan, "Mystic Mo" is filled with comedic misunderstandings and awkward situations. Despite Mr. Khan's enthusiasm for Mystic Mo, his family remains skeptical, leading to a hilarious confrontation between Mr. Khan and his son-in-law, Amjad.

Overall, "Mystic Mo" is a lighthearted and entertaining episode of Citizen Khan that showcases the series' signature blend of humor and heart. Fans of the show will not want to miss this installment, which is sure to leave them laughing from start to finish.

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  • First Aired
    December 4, 2015
  • Runtime
    28 min
  • Language