Citizen Khan Season 4 Episode 3
Citizen Khan
Season 4

Ep 3. Local Hero

  • November 20, 2015
  • 28 min
  •   (19)

Citizen Khan season 4 episode 3, titled "Local Hero," follows the Khan family as they get involved in a community project aimed at honoring a local hero. Mr. Malik, the local newsagent, suggests that a statue of the recently deceased community leader, Mr. Shah, should be erected in the park. The Khan family supports this initiative and offers to contribute to the funding of the statue.

However, tensions start to rise when Mr. Malik reveals that he has a rival statue-making company that he wants to use for the project. Mr. Khan, the self-proclaimed community leader, vehemently disagrees and suggests that the project should be given to a more reputable company. This leads to a heated argument between Mr. Khan and Mr. Malik, with both men determined to have their way.

Meanwhile, Shazia, Mr. Khan's daughter, is excited to have been selected to design the plaque that will accompany the statue. However, she soon realizes that her father has his own designs on the project and is more interested in having his face added to the plaque than honoring Mr. Shah.

As the project moves forward, it becomes clear that there are other interested parties who want a say in how the statue is created. Mr. Khan's son-in-law, Amjad, decides to create a rival community project aimed at honoring a different hero altogether, much to the consternation of the rest of the family.

The episode throws up some interesting questions about community projects and who has the right to control them. It also highlights the often-comical power struggles that can arise in community groups, with everyone vying for a piece of the pie.

Ultimately, the episode comes to a heart-warming conclusion as the community comes together to celebrate the unveiling of Mr. Shah's statue. The Khan family, despite their earlier disagreements, are able to put their differences aside and remember the true purpose of the project - to honor a community hero and bring the community together.

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  • First Aired
    November 20, 2015
  • Runtime
    28 min
  • Language