/CHRIS HARRIS ON CARSnThe Electrics Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Renault Twizy Review: Are Electric Cars Any Good?

  • March 15, 2013

Chris Harris on Cars is a popular automotive television show focused on delivering thrilling reviews and test drives of some of the most exciting and innovative cars on the market. In the second episode of season 1 titled "The Electrics," Chris Harris takes a captivating look at the Renault Twizy electric car and tries to answer the burning question on many motorists' minds: Are electric cars any good?

The episode begins with Chris taking a first look at the Renault Twizy, a quirky two-seat electric vehicle (EV) that has a unique design and promises to be a fun way to navigate urban areas. Despite its compact size, Harris is intrigued by the Twizy's futuristic aesthetic and emphasizes that this car is not just for people who care about the environment but for anyone who wants to have some fun behind the wheel.

The show then takes viewers on an exciting test drive with Harris driving the Twizy through the city streets of London, weaving in and out of traffic and showcasing the car's smooth handling and agility. Feeling confident behind the wheel, Harris pushes the car to its limits, testing the acceleration, braking, and turning abilities.

Throughout the episode, Chris provides insightful commentary on the pros and cons of driving an electric car. Specifically, he debunks common myths associated with electric vehicles and highlights the benefits of owning an EV, such as low running costs, minimal maintenance, and reduced carbon emissions. He also discusses the challenges of owning an electric car, including range anxiety and the availability of charging stations.

In addition to tackling the topic of electric cars, Chris Harris on Cars covers a wide array of automotive subjects, from performance vehicles to classic cars, and highlights the latest trends in the industry. With insightful commentary, stunning cinematography, and an unmatched passion for cars, this show is a must-watch for any car enthusiast or anyone looking for an exciting and informative way to learn about the latest trends and innovations in the automotive industry.

Overall, the episode Renault Twizy Review: Are Electric Cars Any Good? offers a fascinating look at the world of electric cars, and Chris Harris's engaging personality and informative commentary make this episode a must-watch for anyone interested in cars or technology.

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  • First Aired
    March 15, 2013
  • Language