/CHRIS HARRIS ON CARSnThe Electrics Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. First Drive: BMW i8

  • March 15, 2012

Chris Harris on Cars is an automotive show that revolves around cars, many of which are rare or expensive, and showcases their performance on the track. In the first episode of the Electrics season, Chris takes the BMW i8 for a spin.

The BMW i8 is a sleek and futuristic car that has a hybrid engine system that produces 362 horsepower. Chris begins by providing a brief history of the i8's development and explains the various design features of the car. He notes that the car is unique in that it is made from carbon fiber, which makes it lightweight, yet incredibly strong.

Once out on the road, Chris reviews the car's driving performance. He notes that the i8 is incredibly quiet when running on its electric engine, and even at high speeds, the car is virtually silent. The car handles exceptionally well and is incredibly responsive, providing an enjoyable driving experience.

Chris takes the i8 onto the track to see how it performs under high-stress conditions. He notes that the car is incredibly stable and makes tight turns with ease. Chris also examines the car's braking system and is impressed with its ability to slow down quickly and effectively.

Throughout the episode, Chris provides valuable information about the car's battery life, charging times, and how it compares to other vehicles in the electric car market. He highlights the advantages and disadvantages of driving an electric car and offers his thoughts on the future of the electric vehicle industry.

The episode is expertly shot and edited, and Chris's clear and informative commentary keeps viewers engaged throughout. Overall, the first episode of the Electrics season of Chris Harris on Cars is an excellent introduction to the show and the BMW i8, offering an informative and entertaining review of this impressive electric car.

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  • First Aired
    March 15, 2012
  • Language